OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


dcjnamch (Update the domain definition file)


dcjnamch [-e] [-f domain-definition-file-name] node-name [port-number]


The dcjnamch command adds a new node to the domain definition file.

If you execute the namchgfl command after you update the domain definition file by using the dcjnamch command, you can change the domain configuration without changing the values specified in the system common definition during online operation. The dcjnamch command is available only when Y is specified in the name_domain_file_use operand in the system common definition.



Adds a new node to the domain definition file specified in the all_node_ex operand in the system common definition.

If you omit this option, a new node is added to the domain definition file specified in the all_node operand in the system common definition.

-f domain-definition-file-name~<file name>

Specifies the name of the domain definition file to which a node is to be added.

Specify a domain definition file stored in the $DCCONFPATH/dcnamnd directory. If the specified file does not exist, a new file is created.

If you omit the -f option, OpenTP1 creates the $DCCONFPATH/dcnamnd/dcj_allnd file and adds the specified node to that file.

When you specify both the -f option and the -e option, OpenTP1 uses the domain definition file in the $DCCONFPATH/dcnamndex directory.

If you omit the -f option and specify the -e option, OpenTP1 creates the $DCCONFPATH/dcnamndex/dcj_allndex file and adds the specified node to that file.

Command arguments

node-name~<identifier of 1-255 characters>

Specifies the name of the node to be added to the OpenTP1 system.

The host name or the IP address defined in /etc/hosts becomes the node name.

port-number~<unsigned integer>((5001-65535))

Specifies the port number to be used as the well-known port number by the name server. If you omit the port number, OpenTP1 assumes the port number of the name service specified in the name_port operand in the system common definition. If the name_port operand is not specified, OpenTP1 assumes 10000.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA01815-E An error occurred in the OS. Standard error output
KFCA01860-E The input format of the dcjnamch command is incorrect. Standard error output
KFCA01861-E Processing of the dcjnamch command failed. Standard error output
KFCA01870-E Memory is insufficient. Standard error output


The domain definition file is created in the $DCCONFPATH/dcnamnd directory. Note, however, that if you specify the -e option, the domain definition file specified in the all_node_ex operand in the system common definition is created in the $DCCONFPATH/dcnamndex directory. For details about how to change the definition file directly, see 3.10.1 Changing the domain configuration.