OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


3.10.1 Changing the domain configuration

Use the namndchg command or the namchgfl command to change the nodes composing a domain while OpenTP1 is active. The following shows the procedure for changing the domain configuration for each command.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Using the namndchg command to change the domain configuration
(2) Using the namchgfl command to change the domain configuration
(3) Changing the number of nodes to be added

(1) Using the namndchg command to change the domain configuration

Change the all_node operand in the system common definition and execute the namndchg command to change the domain configuration. The procedure for changing the domain configuration is as follows:

  1. Change the node configuration specified by the all_node operand in the system common definition.
  2. Execute the namndchg command. When the command terminates normally, the new nodes are applied to compose the domain.

Specify the -l option for the namndchg command to display the names and port numbers of the current nodes of the domain (specification of the all_node operand).

(2) Using the namchgfl command to change the domain configuration

Change the domain configuration by using the domain definition file. You can use the namchgfl command to change the domain configuration without changing the system common definition. To enable the namchgfl command, specify Y in the name_domain_file_use operand in the system common definition. For details about the name_domain_file_use operand, see the manual OpenTP1 System Definition. The procedure for changing the domain configuration is as follows:

  1. Create a domain definition file.
  2. Execute the namchgfl command. When the command ends normally, the domain consists of new nodes. The global cache is initialized and registers nothing. To change the domain definition file for specifying the value of all_node_ex, specify the -e option in the namchgfl command.

If the same node is specified for both the old and new domain configurations, the following information about the node in the old configuration is inherited by the new domain configuration.

Domain definition files

You need domain definition files to change the domain configuration without changing the system common definition. There are three domain definition files, one for all_node, one for all_node_ex, and one for priority selection nodes. The method for specifying the definition file for priority selection nodes is the same as for the definition files for all_node and all_node_ex.

You can use any names for the files, but the length of a file name must not exceed 40 bytes. Store the domain definition files in the following directories:

Domain definition file for all_node:
$DCCONFPATH/dcnamnd directory

Domain definition file for all_node_ex:
$DCCONFPATH/dcnamndex directory

Domain definition file for priority selection nodes:
$DCCONFPATH/dcnampr directory

If a node name or port number is invalid in one of these files, the namchgfl command issues the message KFCA00656-E (invalid node name), KFCA00657-E (invalid port number), or KFCA00666-E (host undefined) and then returns control with an error, in which case the specified domain configuration change is ignored.

If a node specified in the definition file for priority selection nodes is not defined in the domain definition file for all_node, the command issues the KFCA00603-W message (undefined in all_node), in which case the specification of the priority selection node is ignored. If a priority selection node is defined correctly on another line in the same file, the specification as a priority selection node is effective.

If you store multiple domain definition files in each directory, one domain (OpenTP1 system) is created by combining all the domain definition files stored in the same directory.

In the cases below, the OpenTP1 system is created as a domain consisting only of the local node. The definition file for priority selection nodes depends on the information specified in the domain definition file.

The format for coding a domain definition file is as follows:


node-name <identifier of 1 to 255 characters>
Specify the names of all the nodes in the OpenTP1 system. An identifier can consist of alphanumeric characters, the period, and the hyphen. The host names defined in /etc/hosts become node names.

port-number <unsigned integer>((5001 - 65535))
Specify the port number used by the name server as a well-known port number. If you omit a port number, OpenTP1 sets the port number of the name service specified in the name_port operand in the system common definition. If the name_port operand is not specified, OpenTP1 assumes 10000.


The following is an example of coding a domain definition file:

0---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+-,11111,                                            #comment,33333,                                            #comment
                (blank line)#

OpenTP1 determines that specification continues even when it encounters a line with only a linefeed character, a blank line, or a line with only a comment.

(3) Changing the number of nodes to be added

Define an area of shared memory that can be used by the name service when OpenTP1 starts. Because you cannot change the size of this area while OpenTP1 is running, you need to secure the required size (determined by the maximum number of nodes) when OpenTP1 starts. You can specify the maximum number of nodes in the all_node_extend_number operand or the all_node_ex_extend_number operand in the system common definition. For details about these operands, see the manual OpenTP1 System Definition.