OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


trnmkobj (Create a transaction control object file)


trnmkobj -o transaction-control-object-name
         [-R OpenTP1-RM-name [,OpenTP1-RM-name]...]
         [-r non-OpenTP1-RM-name [,non-OpenTP1-RM-name]...]
         [-C 'compile-option-name[[Figure]compile-option-name]...']
         [-l] [-P]


The trnmkobj command creates a transaction control object file whose name is transaction-control-object-name.o under $DCDIR/spool/trnrmcmd/userobj according to the resource manager accessed by a UAP. The user must link the created transaction control object file and the object file provided by the resource manager (XA interface object file) with the UAP. By doing so the transaction that accesses the resource manager under OpenTP1 can be executed.

When the cc command is executed to link a transaction control object file with a UAP, the "transaction control object name .o" must be specified before the -L option.

For a UAP executing a transaction that does not access resource managers under OpenTP1 or a UAP that executes no transaction under OpenTP1, the trnmkobj command need not be executed.

Linking the same resource manager with all UAPs that configure a global transaction optimizes commit processing (suppresses process-to-process communication), thus enhancing transaction performance.

The trnmkobj command need not be executed when using the standard transaction control object file ($DCDIR/spool/trnrmcmd/userobj/dc_trn_allrm.o) consisting of all resource managers registered to OpenTP1.

When neither the -R option nor the -r option is specified, the same resource manager as cataloged in OpenTP1 is used to create a transaction control object file.

If the resource manager registration status is changed using the trnlnkrm command, the UAP to which either of the following two files has been linked requires linkage again:

A transaction control object file can be used between UAPs that use the same resource manager. This means no need of executing the trnmkobj command for each UAP.

Only resource managers that are cataloged in OpenTP1 can be specified.

The trnmkobj command searches for the target C compiler in the following sequence:

  1. /bin/cc and /lib/ccom
    Both /bin/cc and /lib/ccom are required.
  2. /usr/bin/cc
  3. /usr/vac/bin/cc

If the target C compiler is not found in the above search sequence, OpenTP1 assumes the setting specified in the PATH environment variable of the process that executes the trnmkobj command. The -P option must be specified when the user wants to use the value specified in the environment variable (PATH).


-o transaction-control-object-name~<1-12 alphanumeric characters>

Specifies the name of a transaction control object file.

-R OpenTP1-RM-name~<1-31 alphanumeric characters>

Specifies the name of an OpenTP1 resource manager to be accessed by UAPs. No non-OpenTP1 resource managers can be specified. The resource manager names provided by OpenTP1 are:

TP1/FS/Direct Access resource manager name

TP1/FS/Table Access resource manager name

TP1/Message Control resource manager name

TP1/Message Queue resource manager name

ISAM/B resource manager name

More than one RM name can be specified, with a comma (,) placed between names.

-r non-OpenTP1-RM-name~<1-31 alphanumeric characters>

Specifies the name of a non-OpenTP1 resource manager to be accessed by UAPs.

Only resource managers that are cataloged in OpenTP1 can be specified. More than one RM name can be specified, with a comma (,) placed between names.

-C compile-option-name~<string of 1-512 characters>

Specifies the compile option to be used when compilation is executed.

Enclose the compile option name in single quotation marks ('). If you need to include a comma (,) in a compile option name, insert a backslash (\) before the comma. When you specify multiple compile option names, use spaces to delimit them.

Under normal circumstances, there is no need to specify this option.


Outputs the progress of executing the trnmkobj command to the standard output.


A C compiler is selected according to the value specified in the PATH environment variable for the trnmkobj command execution process. The trnmkobj command looks for cc in the order specified in PATH and uses the first cc encountered.

When none of the options is specified, the method of specifying the trnmkobj command is output to the standard output.