OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


scdchprc (Change the number of processes)


scdchprc {-a|-s server-name} [-p number-of-resident-processes


Changes the number of resident processes running on a server or the maximum number of processes that can run on a server while the server is operating. This command can be used for user servers and some system servers. As a result of the change, new processes are generated or excess processes are terminated. The number of processes changed by this command is effective until the server is terminated (including when the server is forcibly terminated). The system does not inherit the change after full system recovery. You can also only display the values currently set.



The number of processes of all the queue-receiving user servers, excluding the servers that work with debuggers, and of the MHPs is to be changed.

-s server-name~<identifier, 1-8 characters>

The number of processes of the specified server is to be changed.

To specify a system service, use this option.

You can specify the following server names for system services:

Transactional RPC execution process
Server name: _clttrn

CPU execution process
Server name: _cltcon

-p number-of-resident-processes [,maximum-number-of-processes] ~<unsigned integer> ((0-1024))

Specifies the number of resident processes or the maximum number of processes that has been changed in the format of the parallel_count operand of the user service definition.

If you specify only the number of the resident processes, the maximum number of processes is also changed to the same value. Other specification rules are the same as for the parallel_count operand of the user service definition. For the parallel_count operand of the user service definition, see the manual OpenTP1 System Definition.

If you omit this option, the value currently set is displayed in the following format.

Display format

Number of servers   aaaa                               ...1.
Server name         When started   After being changed               cccc, dddd          eeee, ffff           ...2.

1. Displayed only when you specify the -a option.

2. When you specify the -a option, this line is displayed for each server.

Number of servers to be displayed (Up to four decimal digits)
Server name (up to eight alphanumerics)

Number of resident processes when the server is started (up to four decimal digits)

Maximum number of processes when the server is started (up to four decimal digits)

Number of resident processes after being changed by the scdchprc command (up to four decimal digits)
For the server whose number of processes has not been changed after startup, '****' is displayed.

Maximum number of processes after being changed by the scdchprc command (up to four decimal digits)
For the server whose number of processes has not been changed after startup, '****' is displayed.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA00843-I The command was normally processed. Message log file
KFCA00844-E The command processing failed. Message log file,
standard error output
KFCA00883-I Help message Standard output,
standard error output
