OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


7.1.11 Creation of OpenTP1 files

The OpenTP1 administrator must create and initialize the OpenTP1 files listed in the following table on the OpenTP1 file system that has been initialized by the filmkfs command.

Table 7-2 OpenTP1 files to be created and initialized, and operation commands used for creation and initialization

Node OpenTP1 file Operation command OpenTP1 file system area Remarks
Archive-journal target node Status file stsinit for system Mandatory in mode
Archive journal file jnlinit
Archive-journal source node Status file stsinit for system Mandatory in mode
Journal-related files System journal file jnlinit
Checkpoint dump file jnlinit
Message queue file queinit for users Optional in node#
DAM file damload Optional in node
TAM file tamcre Optional in node

When using an ISAM file, see the manual Indexed Sequential Access Method ISAM.

Needed when MCF is used.