OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


7.1 OpenTP1 environment setup

This section explains OpenTP1 environment setup procedures that are required to operate OpenTP1 under the multinode facility. The environment should be set up in the order of section numbers.

Organization of this section
7.1.1 Cataloging of OpenTP1 administrator
7.1.2 Definition of OpenTP1 group
7.1.3 Installation of OpenTP1
7.1.4 Creation of OpenTP1 directory
7.1.5 Creation of system definition
7.1.6 Cataloging of OpenTP1 into OS
7.1.7 Creation of OpenTP1 file system areas
7.1.8 Reservation of resources for OpenTP1 internal control
7.1.9 OpenTP1 administrator environment setup
7.1.10 Initialization of OpenTP1 file systems
7.1.11 Creation of OpenTP1 files
7.1.12 Creation of non-OpenTP1 files