OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


11.2.1 When the message KFCA00307-E is output

Organization of this subsection
(1) Error event
(2) Items to check
(3) Information to acquire
(4) Troubleshooting procedure

(1) Error event

The following message is output, and OpenTP1 fails to obtain a file descriptor.

KFCA00307-E insufficient file descriptor for RPC.

(2) Items to check

(3) Information to acquire

(4) Troubleshooting procedure

The message KFCA00327-E is output when OpenTP1 is unable to obtain a file descriptor to use for communication. The max_socket_descriptors operand specifies the maximum number of file descriptors. Common causes of this problem are as follows:

The names of the relevant kernel parameters depend on your OS. Different parameters determine how many file descriptors are available system-wide, and how many are available to individual processes. In the flow chart below, Kernel parameter (system-wide) refers to the maximum number of file descriptors available to the system in its entirety, and Kernel parameter (process) refers to the maximum number of file descriptors available to individual processes. If you change either kernel parameter, specify a value that offers sufficient leeway.

Investigate the cause of the error using the flow chart below.

Figure 11-1 Troubleshooting procedure when message KFCA00307-E is output


The total number of file descriptors used by each server is the sum of the max_socket_descriptors and max_open_fds operands of the server. The total number of file descriptors used throughout the OpenTP1 system is the sum of the values of the max_socket_descriptors and max_open_fds operands of all the servers.

Check the values specified for the max_socket_descriptors operands of each server by referring to the table below. Calculate the file descriptors process-by-process.

Table 11-7 Values specified for max_socket_descriptors operand

No. Server name Valid value of max_socket_descriptors operand
1 prcd, itvd, stsd, cpdd, tjld, qued, damd, tamd, tamiod, ismbd, istd, logd, prfiod, cltcond, cltd, clttrnd, xatd, xatcd, rmmd, admrsvre, mcfrmgrd The value specified in the system common definition (betranrc). If omitted, a value of 64 is used.
2 namd, namaudtd The value specified in the name service definition (nam). If there is no name service definition, the value specified in the system common definition (betranrc) is used. If omitted, a value of 64 is used.
3 scdd, scdmltd The value specified in the schedule service definition (scd). If there is no schedule service definition, the value specified in the system common definition (betranrc) is used. If omitted, a value of 64 is used.
4 trnd, trnrvd, trnrmd The value specified in the transaction service definition (trn). If there is no transaction service definition, the value specified in the system common definition (betranrc) is used. If omitted, a value of 64 is used.
5 jnld, jnliod, jnlsdd, jnlswd, jard, jarswd, jarrvd The value specified in the journal service definition (jnl). If there is no journal service definition, the value specified in the system common definition (betranrc) is used. If omitted, a value of 64 is used.
6 mcfmngrd, mapsmgrd, mcfcmdsv, mqtmngd Fixed value of 64.
7 MCF application service, MCF communication service The value specified in the system service common information definition ($DCDIR/lib/sysconf/mcf). If omitted, a value of 64 is used.
8 mqad, mqaiod, mqacmd, mqamnd

TP1/Message Queue version 05-12 or earlier:
The value specified in the system common definition (betranrc). If omitted, a value of 64 is used.

TP1/Message Queue version 05-13 or later:
The value specified in the MQA service definition (mqa). If omitted, a value of 64 is used.
9 mqtdtcp

TP1/Message Queue version 05-13 or earlier:
Fixed value of 304.

TP1/Message Queue version 05-14 or later
The value specified in the MQT service definition (mqt). If omitted, a value of 64 is used.
10 RAP-processing listener, RAP-processing server The value specified in the RAP-processing listener service definition (name varies). If omitted, a value from one of the following is used (with 1. having priority over 2.).
  1. User service default definition (usrrc)
  2. System common definition (betranrc)
If all three are omitted, a value of 64 is used.
11 User server The value specified in the user service definition (name varies). If omitted, a value from one of the following is used (with 1 having priority over 2).
  1. User service default definition (usrrc)
  2. System common definition (betranrc)
If all three are omitted, a value of 64 is used.
12 RTSSUP, RTSSPP Fixed value of 64.

Check the values specified for the max_open_fds operands of each server by referring to the table below. Calculate the file descriptors process-by-process.

Table 11-8 Values specified for max_open_fds operand

No. Server name Valid value of max_open_fds operand
1 prcd, namd, namaudtd, scdd, scdmltd, trnd, trnrvd, trnrmd, jnld, jnlswd, jnliod, jnlsdd, jard, jarswd, jarrvd, itvd, stsd, cpdd, tjld, qued, damd, tamd, tamiod, ismbd, istd, logd, prfiop, cltcond, cltd, clttrnd, xatd, xatcd, rmmd, admrsvre, mcfmngrd, mcfrmgrd, mapsmgrd, mcfcmdsvmqad, mqaiod, mqacmd, mqamnd, mqtdtcp, mqtmngd Fixed value of 50.
2 MCF application service, MCF communication service The value specified in the system service common information definition ($DCDIR/lib/sysconf/mcf). If omitted, a value of 100 is used.
3 RAP-processing listener, RAP-processing server The value specified in the user service default definition (usrrc). If omitted, a value of 50 is used.
4 User server The value specified in the user service definition (name varies). If there is no user service definition, the value specified in the user service default definition (usrrc) is used. If omitted, a value of 50 is used.
5 RTSSUP, RTSSPP Fixed value of 50.