OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


5.3 Application operations

This section explains operations related to applications.

Organization of this section
(1) Display of application status
(2) Application shutdown and release of shutdown status
(3) Initialization of application abnormal terminations count
(4) Display of application timer startup requests
(5) Deletion of application timer startup requests
(6) Startup of application programs

(1) Display of application status

The status of applications can be displayed by the mcfalsap command.

The displayed information includes the application types, application names, application statuses, etc.

(2) Application shutdown and release of shutdown status

Applications can be shut down by the mcfadctap command. When the mcfadctap command executes, input to the input queue and input queue scheduling are shut down on the basis of specified options. If application attributes definition is specified in such a manner that input to an application input queue and its scheduling are to be shut down (aplihold=a) or if shutdown is specified in the schedule of the application (aplihold=s) in the event of abnormal termination of the application, the application is shut down whenever it terminates abnormally and the specified application abnormal terminations count has been reached.

When input to an input queue is shut down, all messages already in the input queue are processed normally. If a message is received during shutdown processing, the MCF event that reports the discarding of a message (ERREVT2) is activated.

If a message is received while input to an input queue and input queue scheduling are involved in shutdown processing, the MCF event that reports the discarding of a message (ERREVT2) is activated.

Applications can be released from shutdown status with the mcfaactap command. When the mcfaactap command is executed, each application's abnormal terminations count is initialized to 0.

The status changed by the mcfadctap or mcfaactap command (input to input queue and input queue scheduling status) can be inherited during full recovery. If a maximum number of applications is specified in the status inheritance definition of the MCF communication configuration definition, the status of resources is inherited only up to the specified value.

(3) Initialization of application abnormal terminations count

An application's abnormal terminations count is incremented each time the application terminates abnormally. When this count reaches the maximum abnormal terminations count value specified in the application definition, the application or service is shut down automatically. An application's abnormal terminations count can be initialized (to 0) by executing the mcfaclcap command. An application's abnormal terminations count is also initialized when the application is released from shutdown status by the mcfaactap command.

(4) Display of application timer startup requests

The mcfalstap command displays application timer startup requests. The displayed items include the application name and the time of acceptance of the application startup request.

(5) Deletion of application timer startup requests

The mcfadltap command terminates startup of applications for which a timer startup request has been issued. When the mcfadltap command executes, the timer startup requests for the specified applications are deleted, and startup of the applications is terminated.

You can also delete an application timer startup request by issuing a function from a UAP. For details, see the manual OpenTP1 Programming Guide.

(6) Startup of application programs

An application program can be directly started up with an operation command. Executing the mcfuevt command starts up the service that corresponds to the application name (UCMDEVT) specified in the MCF application attribute definition (mcfaalcap).