OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


filmkfs (Initialize an OpenTP1 file system)


(1) Character special file

filmkfs -s sector-length -n size -l maximum-files-count
        [-v OpenTP1-file-system-name] special-file-name

(2) Normal file

filmkfs [-r] -n size -l maximum-files-count
        [-v OpenTP1-file-system-name] ordinary-file-name


The filmkfs command initializes a specified hard disk partition or ordinary file for an OpenTP1 file system. Initialization is normally performed only once when an ordinary file or a partition is allocated to an OpenTP1 file system.

For a character special file, only a superuser or an owner of the character special file can execute the filmkfs command. For an ordinary file, only a superuser or an authorized user who can write into the directory in which the ordinary file is to be created can execute this command. If the ordinary file already exists, a superuser or an owner of the ordinary file can execute this command.



Specifies that initialization is to be performed without requesting user confirmation. If the specified ordinary file already exists, its contents will be lost.

When this option is omitted and the specified ordinary file already exists, the command requests confirmation from the user that the file is to be initialized.

-s sector-length

Specifies the sector length of the hard disk on which the OpenTP1 file system is to be constructed.

For the -s option, specify the sector length corresponding to the specified character special file. If you specify an invalid sector length, filmkfs command processing will fail with an error message indicating an I/O error, invalid argument, or another problem.

-n size~((1-4095)) (unit: MB)

Specifies in Mbytes the size of the space to be allocated to the OpenTP1 file system.

For the -n option, specify a value less than or equal to the capacity of the character special file. If you specify a value that is larger than the size of the disk volume or partition, filmkfs command processing will fail with an error message indicating insufficient disk space, an I/O error, or another problem.

-l maximum-files-count~((1-4096))

Specifies the maximum number of files to be created in the OpenTP1 file system.

-v OpenTP1-file-system-name~<OpenTP1 file name, 1-8 characters>

Specifies the name to be assigned to the OpenTP1 file system.

When this option is omitted, no name is assigned to the OpenTP1 file system.

Command arguments

special-file-name~<path name>

Specifies the name of a special file to be initialized.

The specified file must be a character special file.

ordinary-file-name~<path name>

Specifies the name of the ordinary file to be initialized.
