OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


jnlrput (Output records of unload journal files or global archive unload journal files)


jnlrput [-t [start-time] [, end-time] [-e] [-f] [-l] [-c key]
        [-u transaction-global-identifier [,transaction-branch-identifier]]
        [-o journal-collection-mode [journal-collection-mode] ...]
        [-j journal-type [journal-type] ...] [-q _trn] [-q _rpc]
        [-d user's-extraction-condition(s)] [-x] [file-name
         ([Figure]file-name] ...]


The jnlrput command outputs to the standard output user journal record information within the specified unload journal file or global archive unload journal file, CPU usage time information for a transaction branch, and statistics about response.


-t [start-time][,end-time]

Specifies the output range of uptime statistics in terms of journal output begin and end times.

In "begin", specify the output start time. In "end", specify the output end time.

For begin, specify a time between 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970 and the current year, month, day, and time.

The start time and end time cannot both be omitted. When the start time is omitted, the output range is from the beginning of the unload journal file to the specified end time. When the end time is omitted, the output range is from the specified start time to the end of the unload journal file.

The begin and end times are expressed in the format hhmmss[MMDD[YYYY]]:

hh: Hour (01 [Figure] hh [Figure] 23); cannot be omitted

mm: Minute (00 [Figure] mm [Figure] 59); cannot be omitted

ss: Second (00 [Figure] ss [Figure] 59); cannot be omitted

MM: Month (01 [Figure] MM [Figure] 12); can be omitted#

DD: Day (01 [Figure] DD [Figure] 31); can be omitted#

YYYY: Year (4-digit year from 1970); can be omitted#

#: If the year is omitted from the begin or end time, the specified month, day, and time of the current year are assumed. If the year, month, and day are omitted, the current year, month, and day, and the specified time are assumed. You cannot omit only the month and day, or the month or the day. Doing so causes an option error. If you want to omit the month or the day, then omit the year, the month, and the day (all three).

If the -t option is omitted, all information in the specified file is output.


Outputs only commit-determined user journal records (UJ).

When this option is not specified, all user journal records (UJ) are output.


Outputs commit-determined user journal records from the first file. Also, checks whether the journal file's block numbers are sequential ones in ascending order, beginning with 1. If an error is found, processing terminates.

The -f option is valid only when the -e option is specified.

If this option is not specified, system assumes inheritance from the previous record output process, checking whether the block numbers are sequential ones in ascending order, beginning with the last block number + 1. If an error is found, processing terminates.


Outputs commit-determined user journal records from the last file. Then the inheritance file is deleted.

The -l option is valid only when the -e option is specified.

If this option is not specified, system assumes inheritance to the next record output process, creating an inheritance file.

-c key~((001-999))<<001>>

Specifies part of the name of an inheritance file. Actually, OpenTP1 creates a file named jnlrput*** (*** = the value specified in this option), which in turn becomes the name of the inheritance file.

-u transaction-global-identifier [,transaction-branch-identifier~<33 alphanumeric characters, special characters, and hexadecimal digits>

Specifies the contents to be edited by specifying the transaction identifier. The transaction identifier must be in "transaction-global-identifier, transaction-branch-identifier." If this option is omitted, all transaction IDs are subject to editing.

-o journal-collection-mode

Specifies a journal collection mode. Multiple modes can be specified.

Outputs journals in transaction test mode whose attribute is commit or in MCF nontransaction test mode.

Outputs journals in transaction test mode whose attribute is rollback.

Outputs journals in other than online test mode.

If this option is omitted, journals in all journal collection modes are output.


Specifies the record type that identifies the contents to be output. Following are the values to be specified as record type and the contents to be output.

Record type Value to be specified Contents Remarks
SJ s System statistics# Statistical journal
AJ a Send completion information
IJ I Input queue registration information
OJ o Messages in the output queue
MJ m Message journal
GJ g Receive information
UJ u User's own information User journal

#: With _trn specified in the -q option, the information about the CPU usage time by a transaction branch is output. With _rpc specified in the -q option, the response statistics are output.

-q _trn

Outputs the information about the CPU usage time by a transaction branch within the specified file.

Specification of this option is valid only with "s" (system statistics) specified in the -j option.

-q _rpc

Outputs the response statistics within the specified file.

Specification of this option is valid only with "s" (system statistics) is specified in the -j option.

-d user's-extraction-conditions

Specifies the conditions of extracting the user journal records (UJ). When this option is specified, the journal records are compared to the comparison data and the journal records that satisfy the conditions specified with comparison symbols. The number of characters in the specified extraction conditions must not exceed 255.

The following shows the description format of extraction conditions:


Up to two extraction conditions can be specified.

When more than one extraction condition is specified, the journal records that satisfy all the conditions are extracted.

comparison-position~<hexadecimal>((0 to 7faf8))

Specifies the position of the comparison data to be compared to the user journal records. Specify the position from the beginning of the UAP journal. For UJ code, specify "CODE".


Specifies a comparison symbol as the comparison condition for the data to be compared to the user journal records.

The contents of UJ are equal to the comparison data. (contents of UJ = comparison data)

The contents of UJ are not equal to the comparison data. (contents of UJ [Figure] comparison data)

The contents of UJ are greater than the comparison data. (contents of UJ > comparison data)

The contents of UJ are greater than or equal to the comparison data. (contents of UJ [Figure] comparison data)

The contents of UJ are less than the comparison data. (contents of UJ < comparison data)

The contents of UJ are less than or equal to the comparison data. (contents of UJ [Figure] comparison data)


Specifies the format of the data to be compared. The user journal records are compared to the comparison data, based on the format specified by the comparison format.

x: Hexadecimal format

c: Character format


Specifies the data to be compared. When specifying the comparison data in hexadecimal format, specify the data with 0 to 9 and a to f (or A to F) in even number of digits.

When specifying the UJ code, use a 2-, 4-, 6-, or 8-digit hexadecimal number.

A comma (,), space, and metacharacters of the shell cannot be specified.


Outputs only the user journal records (UJ) that are out of the scope transaction.

If you omit the -x option, all the user journal records (UJ) are output.

Command arguments

file-name~<path name>

Specifies the name of an unload journal file or global archive unload journal file. If the multinode facility is used, the name of the file sorted and merged by the jnlsort command must be specified.

The -e option allows more than one file to be specified. When more than one is specified, a space must be placed between files. You can specify a maximum of 256 files.

If this command argument is omitted, standard input is assumed.

The following shows the possible combinations of command arguments and options that can be specified:


Output format

(1) Output format of all the journal records when UJ is output


  1. The size of the file management information is 128 bytes.
  2. The size of the record information is stored in the "record information size" in the record management information (3.).
  3. The size of the record management information is stored in the "record management information size" in the file management information (1.).
  4. The size of the record data header is stored in the "record data header size" in the file management information (1.).
  5. The size of the UJ record data is as follows:
    [Size of UJ record data] = [Size of record information] - [Size of record management information + Size of UJ record data header]

(2) Detailed output format of each information item







When the transaction ID existence flag is 0x00, 0x00 is set for the global_tran_id[12] entry and the branch_tran_id[12] entry.

Displays file management information (the status and contents of output results as a whole).

2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., and 12.
Indicates Record information.

Displays record management information (the status and contents of applicable record information as a whole)

3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., and 12.
Displays record data (the record data header indicating fixed record data, and record data indicating floating record data). For transaction branch CPU usage time information and aj record, only record data headers indicating fixed record data are displayed.
For response statistics, record data headers and second record data headers indicating fixed record data are displayed.

The output format of 1. to 12., is defined by dcjup.h.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA02600-E An error occurred while the unload journal file was being accessed. Standard error output
KFCA02601-E The unload journal file is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA02602-E The journal block is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA02603-E The journal record is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA02604-E Memory cannot be allocated. Standard error output
KFCA02605-E An error occurred while the inheritance file was being accessed. Standard error output
KFCA02606-E The inheritance file is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA02607-E The relationship between the inheritance file and the unload journal file is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA02622-W The target record to be output does not exist. Standard error output
KFCA02680-I Help message Standard output, standard error output
KFCA02681-E A parameter in the jnlrput command is invalid or its value exceeds the limit. Standard error output
KFCA02682-E The combination of options in the jnlrput command is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA02683-E An option in the jnlrput command is specified incorrectly. Standard error output
KFCA02684-E A file name in the jnlrput command is specified incorrectly. Standard error output
KFCA02685-E The record to be extracted that is specified in the jnlrput command is invalid. Standard error output



  1. Output CPU usage time information from an unloaded-journals file.
    jnlrput -j s -q_trn/tpl/jnl/sysjnl001
  2. Output commit-determined user journal records (UJ) from an unloaded-journals file consisting of three files, in one step.
    jnlrput -e -f -l /tpl/jnl/sysjnl001 /tpl/jnl/sysjnl002
  3. Output commit-determined user journal records (UJ) from an unloaded-journals file consisting of four files, in three steps.
    jnlrput -e -f /tpl/jnl/sysjnl001 /tpl/jnl/sysjnl002
    jnlrput -e /tpl/jnl/sysjnl003
    jnlrput -e -l /tpl/jnl/sysjnl004
  4. Output system statistics (SJ), which are in an unload journal file, from 00:00:00.0 on January 1, 2003 up to 23:59:59.999999 on December 31, 2003:
    Unload journal file: sysjnl001
    jnlrput -t 00000001012003,23595912312003 -j s /tp1/jnl/sysjnl001