OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


10.6.6 OpenTP1 errors under multinode facility

Organization of this subsection
(1) OpenTP1 errors at archive-journal target node
(2) OpenTP1 errors at archive-journal source node

(1) OpenTP1 errors at archive-journal target node

If OpenTP1 at an archive-journal target node terminates abnormally, OpenTP1 at an archive-journal source node continues. Journals at the archive-journal source node are not archived. As a result, if there is no swap-in file for the system journal file at the archive-journal source node, OpenTP1 at the archive-journal source node stops. The user must unload journals individually.

When OpenTP1 at the archive-journal target node is restored, archiving begins with an untransferred journal even if files are unloaded individually. If journals that must be archived by individual unloading and swapping have been lost, archiving for applicable subsequent nodes is suspended. The user must unload files individually after recovery of communication.

OpenTP1 at the archive-journal source node cannot terminate normally or as planned before OpenTP1 at the archive-journal target node is restored. Terminate OpenTP1 after restoration of the archive-journal target node or forcedly terminate OpenTP1 at the source node.

If the journal service at the archive-journal source node has a maximum archive-journal termination timeout (specified in jnl_arc_terminate_timeout of the journal service definition), OpenTP1 at the archive-journal source node can be terminated normally or as planned. For the journal service definition, see the manual OpenTP1 System Definition.

(2) OpenTP1 errors at archive-journal source node

If OpenTP1 at the archive-journal source node terminates abnormally, OpenTP1 at the archive-journal target node continues.

When OpenTP1 at the archive-journal source node is restored, archiving begins with an untransferred journal.

OpenTP1 at the archive-journal target node cannot terminate normally or as planned before OpenTP1 at the archive-journal source node is restored. Terminate OpenTP1 after restoration of the archive-journal source node or forcedly terminate OpenTP1 at the target node.

If the connection is forcedly released with the jnlardis command, OpenTP1 at the archive-journal target node can be terminated normally or as planned.