OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


3.5 Standard output file operations

The standard output and standard error output for the processes under OpenTP1 are usually /tmp/betran.log (default). This file may unlimitedly increase and occupy the disk unless the machine is provided with a mechanism to delete the file when it starts up. To prevent this, you can perform generation management of the /tmp/betran.log file.

To perform generation management of the /tmp/betran.log file, make the following settings:

  1. If OpenTP1 is operating under $DCDIR, shut down OpenTP1.
    $ dcstop<CR>
  2. If OpenTP1 is cataloged in the OS (/etc/inittab), delete OpenTP1 from the OS.
    # /BeTRAN/bin/dcsetup -d $DCDIR<CR>
    KFCA01836-R  specify whether to delete the files necessary for execution from the specified OpenTP1 directory.
    [y: Yes, n: No]
  3. Open the $DCDIR/bin/prcout file and change the definition of the prctee command (on the underlined line). For details of the prctee command, see 13. Details of Operation Commands.
    Example for HP-UX
     1 #!/bin/sh
     4 #!@(#) prcout(96/12/18 14:36:42)-1.7
     5 PATH=/bin:/usr/bin
     6 export PATH
     8 if [ ! -d "$1" ] ; then
     9     echo "usage : prcout OpenTP1_directory" 1>&2
    10     exit 1
    11 fi
    12 DCDIR="$1"
    13 export DCDIR
    14 $DCDIR/bin/prctee 0 /tmp/betran.log
  4. Catalog OpenTP1 in the OS (/etc/inittab).
    # /BeTRAN/bin/dcsetup $DCDIR<CR>