OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


4.2.7 Status file space shortage

If a space shortage occurs in a status file in the online mode, OpenTP1 selects a swappable file from the standby files and swaps the files automatically. If there is no swappable standby file of an adequate size, OpenTP1 terminates abnormally. Therefore, if a status file's record utilization factor, which can be displayed with the stsls command, becomes high, the size of the status file should be increased by implementing the following procedure:

  1. Close one of the standby files with the stsclose command
  2. Delete the closed file with the stsrm command
  3. Execute the stsinit command specifying for its -c option a value greater than the number of records in the current file
  4. Open the re-created file with the stsopen command in order to use it as the spare file