OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


5.8 Monitoring message queues

The message queue monitoring facility monitors the backlog of messages in the input queue at regular intervals. This facility can only be applied to user servers (MHPs). The following figure shows an overview of the message queue monitoring facility.

Figure 5-1 Overview of message queue monitoring facility


  1. After the MCF service starts, the message queue monitoring facility begins monitoring the messages remaining in the input queue.
    The phase during which the facility monitors only the number of messages in the message queue is called the queue-depth monitoring phase. Monitoring continues until the MCF service terminates.
  2. Once the number of messages held in the input queue exceeds a threshold, the facility regularly gauges the ability of the MHP to process those messages.
    This is called the processing-capacity judgment phase. During this phase, if the message queue monitoring facility determines that the MHP is unable to process the messages at the expected rate, it either outputs the message KFCA11820-W and continues processing, or outputs the message KFCA11821-E and shuts down the OpenTP1 system.

If a service group defined as a monitoring target is not defined in the attribute definitions for the MCF application, the message queue monitoring facility outputs the message KFCA11822-W and continues processing.

Organization of this section
(1) Required operands
(2) Flow of message queue monitoring
(3) Example of message queue monitoring
(4) Notes

(1) Required operands

To use the message queue monitoring facility, specify the following iterations of the mcfmsvg definition command in the MCF manager definition.

For details about the operands, see the manual OpenTP1 System Definition.

(2) Flow of message queue monitoring

The processing to monitor the backlog of queued messages is as follows:

  1. When the MCF service is started, the message queue monitoring facility starts in the queue-depth monitoring phase, and begins monitoring the number of messages in the input queue at the specified interval (as specified by mcfmsvg -w watchint).
  2. When the number of messages in the input queue exceeds the number specified by mcfmsvg -w watchcnt, the message queue monitoring facility enters the processing-capacity judgment phase.
    While in the processing-capacity judgment phase, the message queue monitoring facility uses the following formula to determine the processing capacity of the MHP.
    Formula for determining MHP processing capacity:
    Depending on the outcome, the following processing takes place once this judgment is made.
    • When the formula for determining MHP processing capacity does not hold true:
      OpenTP1 continues processing.
    • When the formula holds true, and the OpenTP1 system is not set to shut down when MHP processing capacity is deemed inadequate (no is specified for mcfmsvg -w abort):
      The message KFCA11820-W is output and OpenTP1 continues processing.
    • When the formula holds true, and the OpenTP1 system is set to shut down when MHP processing capacity is deemed inadequate (yes is specified for mcfmsvg -w abort):
      The message KFCA11821-E is output and the OpenTP1 system is shut down.
    When the number of messages held in the input queue falls below the number specified by mcfmsvg -w watchcnt, the message queue monitoring facility leaves the processing-capacity judgment phase and re-enters the queue-depth monitoring phase.

The following table shows the conditions judged during message queue monitoring, and how MCF behaves in each instance.

Table 5-2 Relationship between judgment conditions during message queue monitoring and MCF behavior

Judgment condition MCF behavior
Previous judgment phase Relation between number in queue and threshold Relation between A and B Relation between A and C mcfmsvg -w abort specification
Queue-depth monitoring phase Number in queue < Threshold N/A N/A N/A Stays in queue-depth monitoring phase and continues processing.
Number in queue [Figure] Threshold N/A N/A N/A Enters processing-capacity judgment phase and continues processing.
Processing-capacity judgment phase Number in queue < Threshold N/A N/A N/A Enters queue-depth monitoring phase and continues processing.
Number in queue [Figure] Threshold A [Figure] B A [Figure] C N/A Remains in processing-capacity judgment phase and continues processing.
A < C N/A
A < B A [Figure] C N/A
A < C Yes Outputs message KFCA11821-E, forcibly terminates MHP, and shuts down OpenTP1 system.
No Outputs message KFCA11820-W, remains in processing-capacity judgment phase and continues processing.

A: Number of service requests processed by MHP
B: Number of service requests expected to be processed by MHP
C: Number of service requests queued at time of previous judgment

(3) Example of message queue monitoring

The following is an example of the processing of the message queue monitoring facility, assuming a situation in which the mcfmsvg definition command is specified as follows in the MCF manager definition:

Specification of mcfmsvg definition command in MCF manager definition:
  • Input queue message threshold (mcfmsvg -w "watchcnt=30")
  • Input queue monitoring interval (mcfmsvg -w "watchint=5")
  • Number of service requests expected to be processed by MHP (mcfmsvg -w "expectcnt=24")
  • Whether to shut down OpenTP1 system when inadequate MHP processing capacity is detected (mcfmsvg -w "abort=yes")

    Figure 5-2 Example of the message queue monitoring facility


Because 30 is specified as the threshold for messages in the input queue, the message queue monitoring facility will enter the queue-depth monitoring phase for segments C2 to C5, and from C8 onward, in the above figure. For all other segments, the message queue monitoring facility will be in the processing-capacity judgment phase.

The following table shows the relationship between the number of messages in the input queue when the queue status is judged, and the judgment result.

Table 5-3 Queued message counts and judgment results

No. Number of queued messages carried over from previous judgment
Number of queued messages at previous judgment
Number of service requests processed since last judgment
(Pn-1 - Bn)
Number of service requests expected to be processed by MHP Judgment result
1 11 - - 24 Because the number of queued messages has not reached the threshold, the queue-depth monitoring phase remains in effect and OpenTP1 stays online.
2 9 18 9 24
3 25 28 3 24 Because the number of queued messages has reached the threshold, the processing-capacity judgment phase begins.
4 8 32 24 24 Although the number of queued messages has remained above the threshold, the MHP was able to process more than the expected number of service requests. Thus, the processing-capacity judgment phase remains in effect and OpenTP1 stays online.
5 13 45 32 24
6 0 35 35 24
7 3 30 27 24 Because the number of queued messages has fallen below the threshold, the queue-depth monitoring phase begins.
8 5 11 6 24 Because the number of queued messages has not reached the threshold, the queue-depth monitoring phase remains in effect and OpenTP1 stays online.
9 15 17 2 24 Because the number of queued messages has reached the threshold, the processing-capacity judgment phase begins.
10 29 32 3 24 Because the number of queued messages has remained above the threshold, and the MHP was unable to process the expected number of service requests, OpenTP1 is taken offline.

(4) Notes