OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


4.7.10 TAM file recovery

TAM file recovery is referred to as TAM FRC, and is executed by the tamfrc command. When the tamfrc command executes, the TAM file is recovered to its status immediately before the error occurred, either using the backup TAM file, and specified unload journal files or using integrating journal files.

When the tamfrc command is executed, OpenTP1 creates inheritance files to be used with TAM FRC. An inheritance file is used when TAM FRC is executed in multiple steps. The journal information that needs to be inherited is collected in the inheritance files. If the -e option is specified for TAM FRC, OpenTP1 deletes inheritance files upon completion of TAM FRC.

When the -f option is specified in the tamfrc command, more than one TAM file can be recovered. Create the recovery target definition file using a text editor and specify in it the TAM files to be recovered. Execute the tamfrc command, specifying the -f option and the recovery target definition file.

For the TAM FRC execution procedure, see 10.2.7 TAM file.

Organization of this subsection
(1) TAM FRC execution in one step
(2) TAM FRC execution in multiple steps
(3) TAM FRC execution using an integrating journal file

(1) TAM FRC execution in one step

For TAM FRC execution to be completed in a single step, the -s and -e options must both be specified in the tamfrc command. Specifying the -s option does not inherit the previous TAM FRC.

(2) TAM FRC execution in multiple steps

If there are multiple unload journal files, TAM FRC can be executed in multiple steps. The -s option must be specified in the first tamfrc command that is executed, and the -e option must be specified in the last tamfrc command that is executed.

(3) TAM FRC execution using an integrating journal file

Executing TAM FRC using the integrating journal file already created by the jnlcolc command reduces the TAM FRC processing time. In this case, the -j option must be specified in the tamfrc command.