OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


mcfreport (Edit MCF statistics)


mcfreport [-k edit-type] [-u edit-target] [-i input-file-name]
          [-d start-date:end-date|target-date] [-t start-time:end-time]


The mcfreport command inputs and edits the MCF statistics file that is output by the mcfstats command. This command then outputs the edited result to the standard output.


-k edit-type~<<all>>

Specifies an edit type.

all: Edits all the statistics.

in: Edits the statistics of receive messages.

out: Edits the statistics of send messages.

cn: Edits the connection wait statistics.

-u edit-target

Specifies a service group name, a logical terminal name, or an MCF communication process identifier for editing.

Specifies the following items depending on the specification of the -k option.

all specified in the -k option: Omits this option.

in specified in the -k option: Service group name

out specified in the -k option: Logical terminal name

cn specified in the -k option: MCF communication process identifier

If you specify in, out, or cn in the -k option, make sure to specify this option. Specifying all in the -k option invalidates the specification of this option.

You cannot specify more than one service group name, logical terminal name, or MCF communication process identifier.

You can make a batch specification using an asterisk (*) in this option. You can make only one batch specification. You cannot make a batch specification together with an item which is included in the batch specification. For the batch specification, enclose the edit target in double quotation marks (").

Edits the statistics of all the service groups, logical terminals or MCF communication processes.

Edits the statistics of all the service groups or logical terminals whose names start with the prefix character string. You cannot make this specification for the MCF communication processes.

<Example of the batch specification>
To specify service groups starting with "abc"
-u "abc*"

-i input-file-name~<path name, 1-35 characters> <<mcfstc>>

Specifies the file containing the execution result of the mcfstats command. If you specify only a file name, the file under the current directory is edited. If you specify an absolute path name, the file under the specified directory is edited.

If you omit this option, mcfstc under the current directory is edited.

-d start-date:end-date|target-date~<decimal digits> <<s:e>>

Specifies a target date range or the target date for editing.

If you omit this option, -d s: e is assumed.

s: Default start date (00000101)

e: Default end date (99991231)

The start date, end date and target date are represented in the YYYYMMDD format.

YYYY: Year (Desired year)

MM: Month (01-12)

DD: Day (01-31)

-t start-time:end-time~<decimal digits> <<s:e>>

Specifies the time range for editing.

If you omit this option, -t s: e is assumed.

s: Default start time (0000)

e: Default end time (2359)

The start time and end time are represented in the HHMM format.

HH: Hour (00-23)

MM: Minute (00-59)

All the information within the time range specified by this option in the date range specified by the -d option is edited. For example, specifying " d[Figure]19970101: 19970103[Figure]-t[Figure]0900:1700" will edit all the statistics from 9:00 to 17:00 on January 1, 2, and 3 in 1997. You cannot specify the time from one day over the next day (for example, -t[Figure]2300: 0100).

Output format


Input file name

bbbb-bb-bb bb: bb: bb
File output date and time

Logical terminal name

MCF identifier

Number of synchronous send messages that have been processed#

Minimum, maximum, average and total number of synchronous send messages which are in the processing wait status

Minimum, maximum, average and total processing wait time for synchronous send messages

Number of inquiry-type send messages that have been processed#

Minimum, maximum, average and total number of inquiry type send messages that are in the processing wait status

Minimum, maximum, average and total processing wait time for inquiry type send messages

Number of priority branch-type send messages that have been processed#

Minimum, maximum, average and total number of priority branch-type send messages that are in the processing wait status

Minimum, maximum, average and total processing wait time for priority branch-type send messages

Number of normal branch-type send messages that have been processed#

Minimum, maximum, average and total number of normal branch-type send messages that are in the processing wait status

Minimum, maximum, average and total processing wait time for normal branch type send messages

Number of connections that have been processed#

Minimum, maximum, average and total number of connections that are in the processing wait status

Minimum, maximum, average and total processing wait time for connections

Service group name

Number of receive messages that have been processed#

Minimum, maximum, average and total number of receive messages that are in the processing wait status

Minimum, maximum, average and total processing wait time for receive messages

Displayable to the upper limit of int.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA19751-I Starts editing the MCF statistics. Standard output
KFCA19752-I Terminates editing the MCF statistics. Standard output
KFCA19753-E Memory required for editing the MCF statistics cannot be allocated. Standard error output
KFCA19754-E An invalid option exists. Standard error output
KFCA19755-E The length of the input file name exceeds the specified value. Standard error output
KFCA19757-E An invalid input file name is specified. Standard error output
KFCA19758-E An invalid edit type is specified. Standard error output
KFCA19759-E The edit target is not specified. Standard error output
KFCA19760-E An invalid edit target is specified. Standard error output
KFCA19761-E An invalid date is specified. Standard error output
KFCA19762-E An invalid time is specified. Standard error output
KFCA19763-E An error occurred while the input file is being processed. Standard error output
