OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


stsswap (Swap status files)




The stsswap command switches the status of a status file from current to spare. As a result, the current status file is used as a standby and the standby as a current one.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA01040-E Error occurred in physical file. Standard error output
KFCA01050-E Error occurred during process-to-process communication. Standard error output
KFCA01062-I stsswap command processing has started. Standard output
KFCA01063-I stsswap command processing has been completed. Standard output
KFCA01064-E Error occurred during swap processing. Standard error output
KFCA01070-E Error occurred during stsswap command processing. Standard error output
KFCA01086-I Help message Standard output,
standard error output
KFCA01091-E Memory is inadequate. Standard error output
KFCA01099-E Error occurred during OpenTP1 function call. Standard error output