OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


xarinit (Create an XAR file)


xarinit -f physical-file-name -n number-of-records [-s record-length]


The xarinit command creates an XAR file within the OpenTP1 file system, and initializes the file to enable use in online mode.


-f physical-file-name~<path name>

Specifies the full path name of the physical file to be created. If you specify the name of a file that already exists, an error results.

-n number-of-records~<unsigned integer> ((1-8192))

Specifies the number of records of the XAR file to be created.

-s record-length~<unsigned integer> (bytes)

Specifies the record length of the XAR file to be created. Specify a multiple of the sector length specified at creation of the OpenTP1 file system by the filmkfs command (an ordinary UNIX file typically has a record length of 512 bytes). If this option is omitted, the sector length of the OpenTP1 file system is used as the record length of the XAR file.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA32017-E Processing could not continue due to insufficient memory in the process-specific area. Standard error output
KFCA32025-E The specified XAR file path is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA32026-E The user does not have access rights to the special file. Standard error output
KFCA32027-E The attempt to open the XAR file exceeded the maximum number of open files allowed by the system. Standard error output
KFCA32028-E An I/O error occurred while accessing the XAR file. Standard error output
KFCA32029-E Processing could not continue due to insufficient memory. Standard error output
KFCA32030-E The system version used for file system creation does not match the system version used to execute the command. Standard error output
KFCA32031-E The special file to which the XAR file is allocated is not initialized in the OpenTP1 file system. Standard error output
KFCA32032-E The specified XAR file name is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA32033-E The specified XAR file already exists. Standard error output
KFCA32034-E The OpenTP1 file system has insufficient file capacity. Standard error output
KFCA32035-E The number of files allowed by the OpenTP1 file system has been exceeded. Standard error output
KFCA32037-E The specified XAR file is being used by another process. Standard error output
KFCA32103-E Invalid usage of the xarinit command. Standard error output
KFCA32106-I Help message Standard output
KFCA32107-E Invalid number of records specified. Standard error output
KFCA32108-E The specified XAR file name is longer than 63 characters. Standard error output
KFCA32162-E Invalid record length specified. Standard error output
