OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


1.3.6 Creation of non-OpenTP1 files

In addition to the OpenTP1 files, the OS files listed below are required in order to run OpenTP1.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Files created by users
(2) Files and directories created at installation or cataloging into OS
(3) Files created during OpenTP1 execution

(1) Files created by users

The following files must be created by users:

The files list above are created under user-created directories. The $DCDIR/aplib and $DCDIR/conf directories are created during OpenTP1 installation.

The following table lists the files and directories that are created by users.

Table 1-4 User-created files and directories

Name Directory File name File type
User program file $DCDIR/aplib/#1 Name of execution form program#2 Execution form file
MCF communication process program file and MCF application startup process program file $DCDIR/lib/servers/ Name of the executable program Executable file
Definition files System environment definition $DCDIR/conf/ env Text file
Definitions other than system environment definition $DCCONFPATH/ Name of definition file Text file
System service information definition file $DCDIR/lib/sysconf/ Name of system service information definition file Text file
System service common information definition#3 $DCDIR/lib/sysconf/ mcf Text file

Can be changed by the process service definition.

Can be changed by the user service definition.

This file is created when OpenTP1 is installed or registered into the OS. However, you need to change the contents of the definition depending on the operation environment.

(2) Files and directories created at installation or cataloging into OS

The files listed below must be created during installation.

The files listed above are created under directories created by OpenTP1.

The directories that are created when OpenTP1 is installed or cataloged into the OS are:

The following table lists the files and directories that are created when OpenTP1 is installed or cataloged into the OS.

Table 1-5 Files and directories created at installation or cataloging into OS

Name Directory File name
OpenTP1 program file OpenTP1 servers $DCDIR/lib/servers/ --#
Commands $DCDIR/bin/ --
Header file $DCDIR/include/ --
Archive file $DCDIR/lib/ --
Definition analysis file $DCDIR/lib/sysconf/ --#
$DCDIR/lib/sysdef/ --
Message object file $DCDIR/lib/ emsgtxt, jmsgtxt
User program file directory $DCDIR/aplib/ None
Definition file directory $DCDIR/conf/ None
System management information directory $DCDIR/etc --
Core file directory $DCDIR/spool/save/ None
Command log directory $DCDIR/spool/cmdlog/ --
Deadlock information file directory $DCDIR/spool/dclckinf/ None
Transaction information directory $DCDIR/spool/dctrninf/ None
Journal information directory $DCDIR/spool/dcjnlinf/errinf/ None
Process service information directory $DCDIR/spool/dcprcinf/ None
Transaction journal directory $DCDIR/spool/dctjlinf/ --
Server recovery journal directory $DCDIR/spool/dcsjl/ --
Directory for storing transaction control objects $DCDIR/spool/trnrmcmd/userobj/ None
Directory for online testers $DCDIR/spool/uto/ None
Directory for system internal lock control $DCDIR/spool/olkfifs/ --
Directory for system internal synchronization control $DCDIR/spool/olkrsfs/ --

--: Need not be specified by the user.

The file needs to be created when you use the MCF.

(3) Files created during OpenTP1 execution

The files listed below are created dynamically by OpenTP1 during online execution.

(a) Files created during normal operation

The files listed below are created during normal OpenTP1 operation.

The current working directory for the system service and user server is also created during OpenTP1 execution.

During execution, OpenTP1 creates files in directories it has created. The following table lists the files and directories created in the course of OpenTP1 operation.

Table 1-6 Files and directories created during normal operation

Name Directory File name
Message log file $DCDIR/spool/ dclog1 and dclog2
MCF trace file#1 $DCDIR/spool/ mcftAXXZZ#2
Scheduling queue information file $DCDIR/spool/ scdqid1 and scdqid2
RPC trace file $DCDIR/spool/ rpctr1 and rpctr2#3
Trace information dump file $DCDIR/spool/save/ dcmtrdpl and dcmtrdp2
Performance verification trace information file $DCDIR/spool/dcprfinf/ prf_nnn#4
Backup file for performance verification trace information file $DCDIR/spool/save/ prf_nnn.bk1#5, and prf_nnn.bk2#5
XAR performance verification trace information file $DCDIR/spool/dcxarinf/ _xr_nnn#4
Backup file for XAR performance verification trace information file $DCDIR/spool/save/ _xr_nnn.bk1#5, and _xr_nnn.bk2#5
JNL performance verification trace information file $DCDIR/spool/dcjnlinf/prfinf/ _jl_nnn#4
Backup file for JNL performance verification trace information file $DCDIR/spool/save/ _jl_nnn.bk1#5, and _jl_nnn.bk2#5
LCK Performance verification trace information file $DCDIR/spool/dclckinf/prf/ _lk_nnn#4
Backup file for LCK performance verification trace information file $DCDIR/spool/save/ _lk_nnn.bk1#5, and _lk_nnn.bk2#5
MCF performance verification trace information file $DCDIR/spool/dcmcfinf/ _mc_nnn#4
Backup file for MCF performance verification trace information file $DCDIR/spool/save/ _mc_nnn.bk1#5, and _mc_nnn.bk2#5
TRN event trace information file $DCDIR/spool/dctrninf/trace/prf/ _tr_nnn#4
Backup file for TRN event trace information file $DCDIR/spool/save/ _tr_nnn.bk1#5, and _tr_nnn.bk2#5
NAM event trace information file $DCDIR/spool/dcnaminf/ _nm_001, _nm_002, and _nm_003
Backup file for NAM event trace information file $DCDIR/spool/save/ _nm_nnn.bk1#5, and _nm_nnn.bk2#5
Process service event trace information file $DCDIR/spool/dcprcinf/ _pr_001, _pr_002, and _pr_003
Backup file for process service event trace information file $DCDIR/spool/save/ _pr_nnn.bk1#5, and _pr_nnn.bk2#5
FIL event trace information file $DCDIR/spool/dcfilinf/ _fl_001, _fl_002, and _fl_003
Backup file for FIL event trace information file $DCDIR/spool/save/ _fl_nnn.bk1#5, and _fl_nnn.bk2#5
RTS log file $DCDIR/spool/dcrtsinf/#6 rtslog[1] to rtslog[10]#6, #7
MCF statistics file $DCDIR/spool/#8 mcfstc#8
Current working directory#9 $DCDIR/tmp/home/server-name.ID#10/ --
UAP trace data file $DCDIR/tmp/home/server-name.ID
Backup file for UAP trace data file $DCDIR/spool/save/trc/#11 server-namen.uatmap#12, and server-name_n.uatmap#12

--: Need not be specified by the user.

Required only when TP1/Message Control is used.

AXX: MCF identifier:
A: MCF manager process identifier specified in the id operand of mcfmenv -m in the MCF manager definition
XX: MCF communication process identifier specified in mcftenv -s in the MCF communication configuration definition
ZZ: Trace swap file identifier.

The file name can be changed in the system common definition.

Value ranging from 001 to the value specified in the prf_file_count operand in the following definition:
  • Performance verification trace: Performance verification trace definition
  • XAR performance verification trace: XAR performance verification trace definition
  • JNL performance verification trace: JNL performance verification trace definition
  • LCK performance verification trace: LCK performance verification trace definition
  • MCF performance verification trace: MCF performance verification trace definition
  • TRN event trace: TRN event trace definition

nnn: Value corresponding to the name of the backup source file.

If you do not specify the rts_log_file_name operand in the real-time statistics service definition, RTS log files are created in this directory.

The number of created files is the number specified in the rts_log_file_count operand in the real-time statistics service definition.

The mcfstc file is created in the $DCDIR/spool/ directory if you do not specify the output file name in the operation command (mcfstats).

You can change the current working directory by setting the prc_current_work_path operand in the system common definition.

For user environment setting commands, _usrcmd is displayed as the server name.
"ID" is a serial number not less than 1. ID is not added to operation commands (dcstart, dcstop, dcsvstart, and dcsvstop) and user environment setting commands.

If the prc_coresave_path operand is specified in the process service definition, the directory will be prc_coresave_path-value/trc/.

n: File serial number (1-3).
(b) Files created in the event of an error

The files listed below are created when errors occur.

All files created during OpenTP1 execution are placed under an OpenTP1-created directory. The following table lists the files and directories that are created when an error occurs.

Table 1-7 Filesand directories created when an error occurs

Name Directory File name
Shared memory dump file $DCDIR/spool/

shmdump[1 to 3].gz and shmdump.XXX#1[1 to 3].gz

Other operating systems:
shmdump[1 to 3].Z and shmdump.XXX#1[1 to 3].Z
Core file $DCDIR/spool/save/ server-namen#2
Deadlock and timeout information file $DCDIR/spool/dclckinf/ file-name#3
MCF dump file#4 $DCDIR/spool/ mcfdKAXXNN#5
MCF shared memory dump file#4 $DCDIR/spool/ mcfsAXXY#6
Undecided-transaction information file $DCDIR/spool/dctrninf/ file-name#7
Incorrect journal information file $DCDIR/spool/dcjnlinf/ errinf/ r_n#8
Copy file of input/output queue contents $DCDIR/spool/ file-name#9
UAP trace edit output file $DCDIR/spool/save server-namen#10.uat
OpenTP1 debug information file $DCDIR/spool/save server-namen#10.deb

XXX: Resource manager name (dam, tam, ist, ism).

Core file serial number (1-3).
No serial number is assigned to a core file that is output when OpenTP1 is forced to terminate (that is, when the dcsvstop -df command or prckill command is executed or real time monitoring is timed out). A process service core file may be acquired in the directory under the name core. If a user environment setup command terminates abnormally, the core file is saved under the name _usrcmd followed by a sequential number (1-3).

The file name is determined on the basis of the deadlock detection date and time. The length of the file name depends on whether the date is one digit or two digits.
6: 29: 56 on October 3: Oct3062956
18: 06: 00 on October 10: Oct10180600

Required only when TP1/Message Control is used.

K: Process type.
AXX: MCF identifier:
A: MCF manager process identifier specified in the id operand of mcfmenv -m in the MCF manager definition
XX: MCF communication process identifier specified in mcftenv -s in the MCF communication configuration definition
NN: Dump serial number (01-99).

AXX: MCF identifier:
A: MCF manager process identifier specified in the id operand of mcfmenv -m in the MCF manager definition
XX: MCF communication process identifier specified in mcftenv -s in the MCF communication configuration definition
Y: File serial number (1-3).

The file name is rl + transaction service start time (eight hexadecimal digits).

Generation number of a journal in which incorrect data was detected (hexadecimal)

File name specified by the mcftdmpqu command (copy file of input/output queue contents).

n: File serial number (1-3).
(c) Files for OpenTP1 internal processing

In addition to the files listed in (a) and (b) above, files for OpenTP1 internal processing are placed under $DCDIR/spool/ and $DCDIR/tmp/. Users must not change these files without authorization. All files placed under $DCDIR/tmp/ for internal processing are cleared when OpenTP1 is started.

(d) OS files that OpenTP1 uses

OpenTP1 uses /dev/console and /dev/null for standard input and output. Do not change the permissions for /dev/console and /dev/null. The operation may not be assured if the permissions are changed.