OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


7.4.3 Unloading of archive journal files

Organization of this subsection
(1) Unloading
(2) Inhibiting unload check

(1) Unloading

A file group is placed on unload wait status if it is swapped and stays in standby status by reasons of becoming full, an error, or operation command execution. The unload wait status means that journals are stored until the user unloads them in preparations for recovery of a DAM file or use by the user. The file group in unload wait status cannot be used as a current-status file group.

An unload-wait-status file group can be placed on unload completion status by using the jnlunlfg command. The unload completion status means that journals are copied from an unload-wait-status file group with the jnlunlfg command, or that journals are discarded with the jnlchgfg command.

The file created by unloading with the jnlunlfg command is called a global archive unload journal file.

The jnlunlfg command with its -f option specified enables a file group to be unloaded without checking its status, and can be used to unload file groups staying in current status or in unload completion status. Note that a file group in unload completion status must be closed with the jnlclsfg command before it is unloaded with the jnlunlfg command with its -f option specified.

Executing the jnlunlfg command with its -f option specified cannot change the status of a file group.

(2) Inhibiting unload check

A file group on unload waiting status can be allocated as the current one without being unloaded. This is called inhibiting unload check on journal. OpenTP1 usually checks the unload status of a file group, and allocates it as the current one only when it is on unload completion status. When unload status check is inhibited, unloading a file group is unnecessary because even a swappable file group on unload waiting status is allocated as the current one.

Specify N in jnl_unload_check in the archive journal service definition to use the facility for inhibiting unload check on journal. This specification can be changed when restarting the system.

Before unloading an online file group for testing, close the file group by using the jnlclsfg command. If you do not unload an online file group before executing the jnlclsfg command, the file group might change to the current status, and the data in the file group might become corrupted. In this case, OpenTP1 interrupts unloading because the file group contains both data being unloaded and new data written for the current file group, but does not exit online mode.

The commands that input unloaded-journals file cannot be used unless unloading is executed at least once. Table 7-7 lists these commands.

Table 7-7 Commands that input unload journal files

Function Command
Management of journal files Journal integration for file recovery jnlcolc
Copying of unloaded-journals file jnlcopy
Editing and output of unloaded-journals file jnledit
Output of MCF statistics jnlmcst
Recovery of journal files jnlmkrf
Output of records of unloaded-journals file jnlrput
Merging and chronological sorting of unloaded-journals file jnlsort
Output of statistics jnlstts
DAM file management Recovery of logical file damfrc
TAM file management Recovery of TAM file tamfrc

Even if the use of the journal unload check inhibit facility is specified, executing the jnlls command displays unload wait status for the file group. However, that file group is allocated as the current one.