OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


5.5 Service group operations

This section explains operations related to service groups.

Organization of this section
(1) Display of service group status
(2) Service group shutdown and release of shutdown status
(3) Copying of contents of service group input queues
(4) Holding process of, and releasing held process of, service group input queues
(5) Deletion of service group input queues
(6) Output of contents of service group input queues

(1) Display of service group status

The status of service groups can be displayed with the mcftlssg command.

The displayed information includes the service group names, statuses of the service groups, numbers of received messages, etc.

(2) Service group shutdown and release of shutdown status

Service groups can be shut down with the mcftdctsg command. When the mcftdctsg command executes, input to input queues and input queue scheduling are shut down on the basis of specified options. When the shutdown of service group scheduling in the event of abnormal termination of an application (srvghold=s) is specified in the application attribute definition, the application terminates abnormally and the service group is shut down when the maximum application abnormal termination count is reached.

When input to an input queue is shut down, all messages already in the input queue are processed normally. If a message is received during shutdown processing, the MCF event that reports the discarding of a message (ERREVT2) is activated.

If a message is received while input queue scheduling for the memory queue is involved in shutdown processing, the MCF event that reports the discarding of a message (ERREVT2) is activated. If the scheduling is for the disk queue, the message is rescheduled after the service group is released from shutdown status.

If rescheduling of an input message that was being processed during the previous online operation fails at the time of a restart, input queue scheduling for the corresponding service group is shut down.

If a UAP terminates abnormally with a timeout because any value specified in the operands is exceeded, the service and service group are also shut down.

Once the cause of a rescheduling failure has been corrected, entry of the mcftactsg command releases the service group from shutdown status and reschedules the input message that was being processed during the previous online operation.

The status changed by the mcftdctsg or mcftactsg command (input to input queue and input queue scheduling status) is inherited during full recovery. If a maximum value for the number of service groups has been specified in the status inheritance definition of the MCF manager definition, the status of the resources is inherited up to the specified value. In order not to inherit the shutdown status after full recovery, specify the -r option in the mcftdctsg command.

(3) Copying of contents of service group input queues

Where the contents of service group input queues cannot be output, you can use the mcftdmpqu command to check the contents of the disk messages remaining in the input queue. Executing this command lets the contents of the input queue copied onto a file. If then the -a option is specified, the contents of the output queue are again written on the destination file for which the mcftdmpqu command was previously executed.

If the mcftdmpqu command is to be used in combination with the mcftdlqsg command (to delete input queues), the input queue process must be held with the mcfthldiq command before executing the mcftdmpqu command. In this case, disk must be specified in the -d option (deletion type) of the mcftdlqsg command.

(4) Holding process of, and releasing held process of, service group input queues

When you want to copy the contents of the input queue (mcftdmpqu command) and delete the messages remaining in the input queue (mcftdlqsg command) successively, the number of messages to be copied must match the number of messages to be deleted. For this reason, the input and scheduling of the input queue must be held during this period. You can use the mcfthldiq command to temporarily hold the input or scheduling of the input queue. Executing the mcfthldiq command holds the input or scheduling of the input queue, or both, depending on the option specification.

The held process of an input queue can be released with the mcftrlsiq command.

Be careful when you use the mcfthldiq command because it affects the OpenTP1 system as follows. Once you execute the mcfthldiq command and the target processing terminates, be sure to execute mcftrlsiq command.

The status (held status and hold-released status of input and scheduling of an input queue) changed by the mcfthldiq or mcftrlsiq command can be inherited during full recovery. If the maximum number of service groups is specified in the status inherit definition in the MCF manager definition, the status of resources up to the specified value is inherited. Even after full recovery, any messages remaining in the ITQ because scheduling is held are inherited in the status waiting for the held process to be released. Any messages waiting to be input into the ITQ because the input is held are input to the ITQ during full recovery.

When the -r option is specified in the mcfthldiq command, the hold status is not inherited after restart even when the maximum number of service groups has been specified.

(5) Deletion of service group input queues

Messages remaining in the input queue can be deleted by the mcftdlqsg command. Disk queues alone or both disk queues and memory queues can be deleted depending on the specification of the appropriate option of the mcftdlqsg command.

If the mcftdlqsg command is to be independently used, the mcftdctsg command must be executed to shut down the service group before executing the mcftdlqsg command.

If the mcftdlqsg command is to be used in combination with the mcftdmpqu command (to copy the contents of input/output queues), the input queue process must be held with the mcfthldiq command before executing the mcftdmpqu command. In this case, disk must be specified in the -d option (deletion type) of the mcftdlqsg command.

(6) Output of contents of service group input queues

Where the contents of service group input queues cannot be output, they can be output to a file by taking the following procedure:

  1. Execute the mcfthldiq command to hold the process of input queues.
  2. Execute the mcftdmpqu command to copy the contents of the input queues onto the specified file.
  3. Execute the mcftdlqsg command to delete the input queues. Specify disk with the -d option (deletion type).
  4. Execute the mcftrlsiq command to release the held process of the input queues. For the format of input/output queue dump files, see Appendix A. Dump File Format of Input/Output Queues.