OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


lckrminf (Delete deadlock information file and timeout information file)


lckrminf -d number-of-days


The lckrminf command deletes deadlock information files and timeout information files.


-d number-of-days~((1-24855))

Deletes deadlock information files and timeout information files that were created before "24 hours x (number of days specified in the lckrminf command)", counted from the time when the lckrminf command was executed.

Output messages

Message ID Description Output destination
KFCA00430-E lckrminf command cannot be executed. Standard error output
KFCA00433-E No lckrminf command execution environment has been set up. Standard error output
KFCA00434-E lckrminf command cannot be executed due to incompatible versions. Standard error output
KFCA00437-E lckrminf command format is invalid. Standard error output
KFCA00439-I Help message Standard output,
standard error output