OpenTP1 Version 7 Operation


dcstats (Start and terminate collecting system statistics)


dcstats {[-k statistics-type [,statistics-type]...] [-m interval]


The dcstats command outputs system statistics for specified servers, the system servers, or all servers to the system journal file at a specified interval.

Output of system statistics can be terminated with the dcstats command with the -r option specified. If the dcstats command with the -r option specified is not entered, output continues until OpenTP1 terminates.

The dcstats command does not acquire the user server-specific system statistics for a user server that is started after the dcstats command is executed.

The dcstats command cannot be used at archive-journal target nodes.


-k statistics-type

Specifies the type of system statistics output. For more than one type of statistics, a comma (,) must be placed between types.

rpc: RPC information

lck: Lock information

prc: Process information

nam: Name information

que: Message queue information

scd: Scheduling information

mcf: MCF information

dam: DAM information

tam: TAM information

trn: Transaction information

cpd: Checkpoint dump information

jnl: Journal information

osl: Shared memory management information

ist: Node-to-node shared table information

mqa: MQA service information

xat: XATMI service information

When this option is omitted, all system statistics are output.

-m interval~<unsigned integer> ((1-1440)) <<10>>

Specifies in minutes the interval at which the system statistics are to be output to the system journal file.


Specifies that system statistics for the system services and all user servers are to be output.

This option cannot be specified simultaneously with the -s option.


Specifies that system statistics for the entire system are to be output.

This option cannot be specified simultaneously with the -a option.

When neither the -a option nor the -s option is specified and no server name is specified, system statistics for the entire system are output.


Specifies that output of system statistics is to be terminated.

If this option is specified together with any other options, the -r option is effective, and all the other specified options are ignored.

Command arguments

server-name~<1-8 alphanumeric characters>

Specifies the name of a user server for which system statistics are to be output.

System statistics will be output for each server whose name is specified.

If the -a option is specified, specification of a server name is ignored.
