uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide




Administration agent, Management agent, and Management Server
Administration agent, Management agent, and Management Server
application user log
application user log
automatically when problem occurs
by executing command
by executing command created by user
CORBA naming service thread dump
Cosminexus Component Transaction Monitor log
Cosminexus Performance Tracer log
EJB client application user log
extended verbosegc information
integrated user management log
J2EE server, redirector, server management command logs
J2EE server memory dump
J2EE server thread dump
OS log
snapshot log
user dump
Acquiring logs of internal setup tool of virtual server manager and Server Communication Agent
action for problem in system linked with JP1/IM
Administration agent, Management agent, and Management Server log
advanced level
processing performance
response time of Web server
Analyzing processing performance of Application Server using trace based performance analysis file
Application Server
resource setting information
Application Server log
automatic allocation error in explicit memory management
automatic release processing of explicit memory block
base object list output functionality for tenured augmentation factors
batch server log
changing log output destination
CJPA provider
class-wise statistical functionality
class-wise statistical information
class-wise statistical information analysis functionality
class-wise statistical information output by instance statistical functionality
class-wise statistical information output by reference-related information output functionality
class-wise statistical information output by STATIC member statistical functionality
class-wise statistical information output by unused objects statistical functionality in tenured area
classifications of functionality and corresponding manuals describing functionality
client application information
collecting material using command
collecting snapshot logs using management commands
collecting trace information of trace based performance analysis
collecting trace information of user-extended trace based performance analysis
configuration file for user-extended trace based performance analysis
configuration of user-extended trace based performance analysis
confirmation method of event log of Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality
validity period of global session
validity period of session
connection-related trace collection points
connection ID
console log
contents of code cache area-related log
contents of J2EE server or batch server working directory
contents output when output level is debug
contents output when output level is normal
contents output when output level is verbose
Cosminexus Component Transaction Monitor log
Cosminexus JPA Provider log
Cosminexus JPA provider log
Cosminexus JPA Provider operation log
Cosminexus Performance Tracer
Cosminexus Performance Tracer log
output destination
data acquisition settings using failure detection time commands (systems for executing batch applications)
data acquisition settings using failure detection time commands (systems for executing J2EE applications)
definition sending data
definition sending data
differences with earlier versions of multi-process trace common library
EJB client application log
EJB client application system log
output destination
ejbserver.logger.channels.define.<channel-name>.filenum (batch server)
ejbserver.logger.channels.define.<channel-name>.filenum (J2EE server)
ejbserver.logger.channels.define.<channel-name>.filenum (SFO server)
ejbserver.logger.channels.define.<channel-name>.filesize (batch server)
ejbserver.logger.channels.define.<channel-name>.filesize (J2EE server)
ejbserver.logger.channels.define.<channel-name>.filesize (SFO server)
error in opening automatic allocation configuration file for explicit memory management
error in opening configuration file of functionality for specifying classes to be excluded from Explicit Memory Management functionality
error in parsing automatic allocation configuration file for explicit memory management
error in parsing configuration file of functionality for specifying classes to be excluded from Explicit Memory Management functionality
error report file
event log
event log
output format
output item
event log of Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality
event log of Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality
event log of Explicit Memory Management functionality
Example of filtered trace based performance analysis file
Example of the filtered trace based performance analysis file collected in Application Server
Example of the performance analysis file collected in the Web server
Example of Web client configuration
example output
simple output format
standard format
when actual type name of class or array type variable is to be output
when class or array type variable is output as character string
Example of the trace based performance analysis file where the session trace information is output (request part where the session is cancelled)
Example of the trace based performance analysis file where the session trace information is output (request part where is session is used)
Example of the trace based performance analysis file where the session trace information is output (request part where the session is created)
examples of troubleshooting during operations
exception log
exception log
extended thread dump
extended thread dump
failure detection command
failure detection command created by user
failure detection command provided by system
flow for handling of data when trouble occurs
flow of snapshot log collection
functionality that requires class-wise statistical functionality
function layer
global session ID
guidelines for selecting garbage collection
Hitachi Trace Common Library format
Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes)
Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process)
Hitachi Trace Common Library format log
output format and output item
hndlwrap functionality
connection in which error occurred
request in which timeout occurred
transaction for which timeout occurred
identifying connection
occurring error
if administration agent is terminated forcibly when OutOfMemoryError occurs
if problem occurs in node switching system for host unit management model
if problems occurs in N-to-1 recovery systems
If trouble occurs in 1-to-1 node switching system
implementation for collection of root application information of trace based performance analysis
In-process HTTP server log
in-process transaction service
information on execution of Component Container Administrator setup command (in UNIX)
In-process HTTP server log
instance statistical functionality
integrated log
integrated log
internal setup tool of virtual server manager and server communication agent logs
life cycle of session
log using root application information
processing status of request in application server
investigation about the location of the problem associated to the trace based performance analysis file and thread dump
J2EE application
acquiring user log
J2EE server and redirector log
javagc command
Java heap overflow in automatic release processing of explicit memory block
JavaVM garbage collection log
JavaVM garbage collection log
JavaVM log (JavaVM log file)
JavaVM log file
JavaVM log file
JavaVM message log
abnormal termination location and signal type
command and VM parameter
command code information
command line of javatrace start command
current thread information
environment variable
information saved from top of stack
insufficient C heap
internal error
Java heap usage status
machine information
memory information
registered signal handler
register information
save destination address of signal information
siginfo information
signal information
stack trace
System name, CPU, actual memory, and VM information
thread creation failure
thread information
time information
VM status
JavaVM stack trace information
JavaVM stack trace information
JavaVM stack trace information
JavaVM thread dump
JavaVM thread dump
JIT compiler
key information
list of change files for multi-process trace common library format
list of data to be acquired for each type of problem
list of required data to be acquired
local variable
local variable information
log level
log of in-process HTTP Server
log output destination
log output destination
log output destination
log output destination
J2EE server and redirector log
migration command (cjenvupdate) log
migration command (cjenvupdate) log
migration command (cjenvupdate) log
resource adapter version-up command (cjrarupdate) log
resource adapter version-up command (cjrarupdate) log
resource adapter version-up command (cjrarupdate) log
resource depletion monitoring log
resource depletion monitoring log
resource depletion monitoring log
server management command log
server management command log
server management command log
log output to audit log
log output to Cosminexus JPA provider
Logs for application rewriting
Logs for reading of configuration file for user-extended trace based performance analysis
log size
Logs output when user-extended trace based performance analysis is executed
main functionality changes in 09-00
main functionality changes in Application Server 09-50
main problems occurring during application startup
main problems occurring during installation
main problems occurring during operations
main problems occurring during server/application maintenance
main problems occurring during server setup
main problems occurring during server startup
maintenance level
maintenance level
maintenance log
maintenance log
maintenance personnel
management event published log
management event published log
memory dump
message log
message log
message log output by JavaVM
message log output by JavaVM (standard output and error report file)
migrating from Application Server of earlier versions (in J2EE server mode)
Migrating to the Recommended Functionality
Migration from Microsoft IIS to Cosminexus HTTP Server
notes for executing unused objects statistical functionality in tenured area
Notes on creating configuration file for user-extended trace based performance analysis
Notes on migration to database connection using HiRDB Type4 JDBC Driver
Notes on using user-extended trace based performance analysis
options to output JavaVM log file
option to be specified for acquiring extended verbosegc information
option to output local variable information to stack trace
OS commands executed by executing the cjgetsysinfo command
OS log
OS statistical information
OS status information
OS status information and OS log
output contents of message indicating core dump generation
output contents of message log indicating insufficient C heap
output contents of message showing memory insufficiency
output contents of the message indicating whether the Watson log is output correctly
output destination of a batch application user log
output destination of error report file
output destination of error report file
output destination of server management command log (Compatibility mode)
output destination of server management command log (Compatibility mode)
output destinations and output methods of data required for troubleshooting
output format and output example of tenuring distribution information of Survivor area
output format and output items of access log of in-process HTTP Server
output information of trace based performance analysis file
Output information of trace based performance analysis file (for user-extended trace based performance analysis)
output item of message log when C heap is insufficient
output items of access log
output items of Hitachi Trace Common Library format log
output trigger of event log of Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality
overview of pre-statistical garbage collection selection functionality
Overview of product JavaVM functionality
overview of tenuring distribution information output functionality of Survivor area
overview of trace based performance analysis
Overview of trace based performance analysis of applications
overview of trace based performance analysis of Application Server
overview of unused objects statistical functionality in tenured area
performance tracer
pre-statistical garbage collection selection functionality
when referencing the Hitachi Trace Common Library format log
precaution when using tenuring distribution information output functionality of Survivor area
Preparing for troubleshooting
prevention level
PRF trace collection levels (CMT and TransactionManager)
PRF daemon
PRF daemon
PRF demon
PRF trace collection level
PRF trace collection level
PRF trace collection levels (TP1 inbound integrated function)
PRF trace collection levels (UserTransaction)
PRF trace collection levels [DB Connector for Cosminexus RM]
PRF trace collection levels [filter trace (when an exception occurs)]
PRF trace collection levels [filter trace (when the processing terminates normally)]
PRF trace collection levels [in-process HTTP server]
PRF trace collection levels [memory session failover functionality]
PRF trace collection levels [Message-driven Bean (EJB2.0)]
PRF trace collection levels [Message-driven Bean (EJB2.1 and later)]
PRF trace collection levels [Session Bean or Entity Bean]
PRF trace file
PRF trace get level
PRF trace get level [connection association]
PRF trace get level [DB connector]
PRF trace get level [DB connector]
PRF trace get level [DI]
PRF trace get level [execution functionality of batch application]
PRF trace get level [J2EE server]
PRF trace get level [JNDI]
PRF trace get level [OTS]
PRF trace get level [RMI]
PRF trace get level [transaction timeout]
PRF trace get level [Web container]
PRF trace get level [Web container]
PRF trace get level [when connection automatically close]
PRF trace get level [work management]
PRF trace output library
primary delivery data
primary delivery data
error message output
hang-up (no response)
slow down
system down
problem analysis
processes that output logs
Product JavaVM Functionality
recovering table for CMR
occurring error
reference-related information output functionality
reference destination of methods for acquiring and investigating required data to be acquired
required information to be acquired other than log
required information to be acquired other than log
resource depletion monitoring log
resource depletion monitoring log
resource setting information
Application Server
root application information
secondary delivery data
secondary delivery data
session trace
acquiring batch server log
acquiring core dump
acquiring Cosminexus Manager log
acquiring Cosminexus TPBroker log
acquiring J2EE server log
acquiring JavaVM material
acquiring redirector log
acquiring resource adapter log
acquiring SFO server log
acquiring thread dump of JavaVM
acquiring Web server log
collecting OS statistical information
collecting user dump
setting contents of system monitor
settings for acquiring JavaVM log
settings for acquiring the event log of Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality
settings for acquiring the in-process HTTP server log
settings for collecting Cosminexus JMS provider logs
settings for collecting snapshot log (Systems of executing batch applications)
settings for colllecting snapshot logs (Systems for executing J2EE applications)
Settings for methods to be traced by user-extended trace based performance analysis
Settings for using trace based performance analysis
Settings for using user-extended trace based performance analysis
SFO server (compatibility function)
Shift mode
snapshot log
snapshot log
snapshot log
snapshot log list
stack trace
-XX:+HitachiLocalsInThrowable option
standard level
startup dependency
STATIC member statistical functionality
statistic information for each class
structure of thread dump information
output format
output item
system log of EJB client application
system monitor setting
tenuring distribution information output functionality of Survivor area
timing for collecting snapshot log
Trace collection points (CMT and TransactionManager)
trace application information
trace based performance analysis
trace based performance analysis
that is output when timeout occurs in transaction
that you can use to check request that is timed out
trace get point
trace based performance analysis file
trace based performance analysis file
how to collect
output destination
output destination
output information
trace based performance analysis file name
trace collection point
trace collection point indicated by event ID used in filtering
trace collection points (TP1 inbound integrated function)
trace collection points (UserTransaction)
trace collection points [DB Connector for Cosminexus RM]
trace collection points [filter trace (when an exception occurs)]
trace collection points [filter trace (when the processing terminates normally)]
trace collection points [in-process HTTP server]
trace collection points [memory session failover functionality]
trace collection points [Message-driven Bean (EJB2.0)]
trace collection points [Message-driven Bean (EJB2.1 and later)]
trace collection points [Session Bean or Entity Bean]
trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels (database session failover functionality)
trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels (database session failover functionality)
trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels
trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels (database session failover functionality)
trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels (EADs session failover functionality)
trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels (EADs session failover functionality)
trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels (EADs session failover functionality)
trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels (EADs session failover functionality)
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected during binary conversion of the entity class
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected during the acquisition or release processing of EntityManagerFactory
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected during the acquisition processing of EntityManager
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected during the operation of EntityManager
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected during the operation of EntityTransaction
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected during the operation of Query
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected during the release processing of EntityManager
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected during request processing for creating HTTP session (trace of database session failover functionality)
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected during transaction linkage with the transaction manager
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected in the case of callback method to the user
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected during the connection operation of the DB Connector
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected when the persistent context of application management is used
trace collection points and trace information that can be collected when the persistent context of container management is used
trace collection points in a JPA
trace collection points of a DB Connector and JCA container
trace collection points of a DI
trace collection points of a JNDI
trace collection points of a JTA
trace collection points of an EJB container
trace collection points of an OTS
trace collection points of an RMI
Trace collection points of application
trace collection points of a redirector
trace collection points of a Web container (filter trace)
trace collection points of a Web container (session trace)
trace collection points of a Web container (trace of request processing)
trace collection points of a Web container (trace of the database session failover functionality)
trace collection points of a Web container (trace of the memory session failover functionality)
Trace collection points of CDI
trace collection points of CTM
Trace collection points of JavaMail
Trace collection points of JSF
trace collection points of standard output, standard error output, and user log
trace collection points of the batch application execution functionality
trace collection points of the Cosminexus JPA provider
trace collection points of TP1 inbound integrated function
trace collection points of Web container (trace of EADs session failover functionality)
trace collection points when a J2EE server is started or terminated
trace common library format (multi-process)
trace common library format (single process)
trace get point
trace get point [connection association]
trace get point [DB connector]
trace get point [DB connector]
trace get point [DI]
trace get point [execution functionality of batch application]
trace get point [J2EE server]
trace get point [JNDI]
trace get point [OTS]
trace get point [RMI]
trace get point [transaction timeout]
trace get point [Web container]
trace get point [Web container]
trace get point [when connection automatically close]
trace get point [work management]
trace information that can be collected [filter trace (when the processing terminates normally)]
trace information that can be collected [CMT and TransactionManager]
trace information that can be collected (database session failover functionality)
trace information that can be collected (database session failover functionality)
trace information that can be collected (database session failover functionality)
trace information that can be collected (database session failover functionality)
trace information that can be collected (EADs session failover functionality )
trace information that can be collected (EADs session failover functionality)
trace information that can be collected (EADs session failover functionality)
trace information that can be collected (EADs session failover functionality)
trace information that can be collected (TP1 inbound integrated function)
trace information that can be collected [batch application execution functionality]
trace information that can be collected [connection association]
trace information that can be collected [DB Connector]
trace information that can be collected [DB Connector]
trace information that can be collected [DB Connector for Reliable Messaging]
trace information that can be collected [DI]
trace information that can be collected [filter trace (when an exception occurs)]
trace information that can be collected [J2EE server]
trace information that can be collected [JNDI]
trace information that can be collected [memory session failover functionality]
trace information that can be collected [Message-driven Bean (EJB2.0)]
trace information that can be collected [Message-driven Bean (EJB2.1 and later)]
trace information that can be collected [OTS]
trace information that can be collected [RMI]
trace information that can be collected [Session Bean or Entity Bean]
trace information that can be collected [transaction timeout]
trace information that can be collected [UserTransaction]
trace information that can be collected [Web container]
trace information that can be collected [Web container]
trace information that can be collected [when the connection closes automatically]
trace information that can be collected [work management]
trace information that can be collected [in-process HTTP server]
acquiring trace information
troubleshooting and recovery
if configuration software process terminates abnormally
if JavaVM terminates abnormally
if problem occurs in EJB client
If problem occurs in JPA application
if problem occurs in the system linked with JP1
if problem occurs when using database session failover function
if problem occurs when using memory session failover function
troubleshooting during operations
troubleshooting during setup
troubleshooting procedure
troubleshooting server management commands
troubleshooting when process is down
troubleshooting when response is delayed
type of required data
types of data uesd for troubleshooting
unused objects statistical functionality in tenured area
user definition file to set output destination of log
user definition file to set output destination of log
user log
user log
Web server log
when error occurs in EADs session failover functionality
when using asynchronous concurrent processing for threads
work directroy
Working of user-extended trace based performance analysis
Wraparound mode