uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


Appendix E.1 Main functionality changes in 09-00

Organization of this subsection
(1) Simplifying implementation and setup
(2) Supporting standard and existing functionality
(3) Maintaining and improving reliability
(4) Maintaining and improving operability
(5) Other purposes

(1) Simplifying implementation and setup

The following table describes the items that are changed to simplify installation and setup.

Table E-1 Changes made for simplifying implementation and setup

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference
Changing the units to be set up and operated in the virtual environment The units to be operated when you set up and operate the virtual environment have been changed from the virtual server to the virtual server group. You can now use the file in which the virtual server group is defined, and register multiple virtual servers to a management unit in a batch. Virtual System Setup and Operation Guide 1.1.2
Cancelling the restrictions on the environment setup by using Setup Wizard The restrictions on the environments that can be set up with Setup Wizard have been removed. Even if an environment has been set up with another functionality, you can now unset up the environment and use Setup Wizard for setup. System Setup and Operation Guide 2.2.7
Simplifying the procedure for deleting the setup environment The deletion procedure has now been simplified by adding the functionality to delete a system environment setup with Management Server (mngunsetup command). System Setup and Operation Guide 4.1.37
Management Portal User Guide 3.6, 5.4
Command Reference Guide mngunsetup (Deleting the Management Server configuration environment

(2) Supporting standard and existing functionality

The following table describes the items that are changed to support the standard and existing functionality.

Table E-2 Changes made for supporting the standard and existing functionality

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference
Supporting Servlet 3.0 Servlet 3.0 is now supported. Web Container Functionality Guide Chapter 6
Supporting EJB 3.1 EJB 3.1 is now supported. EJB Container Functionality Guide Chapter 2
Supporting JSF 2.1 JSF 2.1 is now supported. Web Container Functionality Guide Chapter 3
Supporting JSTL 1.2 JSTL 1.2 is now supported. Web Container Functionality Guide Chapter 3
Supporting CDI 1.0 CDI 1.0 is now supported. Common Container Functionality Guide Chapter 9
Using Portable Global JNDI names You can now look up objects for which Portable Global JNDI names are used. Common Container Functionality Guide 2.4
Supporting JAX-WS 2.2 JAX-WS 2.2 is now supported. Web Service Development Guide 1.1, 16.1.5, 16.1.7, 16.2.1, 16.2.6, 16.2.10, 16.2.12, 16.2.13, 16.2.14, 16.2.16, 16.2.17, 16.2.18, 16.2.20, 16.2.22, 19.1, 19.2.3, 37.2, 37.6.1, 37.6.2, 37.6.3
Supporting JAX-RS 1.1 JAX-RS 1.1 is now supported. Web Service Development Guide 1.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.2, 1.4.2, 1.5.1, 1.6, 2.3, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 17, Chapter 24, Chapter 39

(3) Maintaining and improving reliability

The following table describes the items that are changed for maintaining and improving reliability.

Table E-3 Changes made for maintaining and improving reliability

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference
Using TLSv 1.2 for SSL/TLS communication You can now use RSA BSAFE SSL-J to execute the SSL/TLS communication with a security protocol containing TLSv 1.2. Security Management Guide 7.3

(4) Maintaining and improving operability

The following table describes the items that are changed with the purpose of maintaining and improving operability.

Table E-4 Changes made for maintaining and improving operability

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference
Monitoring the total pending queues of the entire Web container You can now output the total pending queues of the entire Web container in the operation information and monitor the number of queues. Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide Chapter 3
Output of trace based performance analysis for applications (user-extended trace) The trace based performance analysis used for analyzing the processing performance of user-developed applications can now be output without changing the applications. This manual Chapter 7
Operations performed by using the user script in a virtual environment The user-created script (user script) can now be executed on a virtual server at any time. Virtual System Setup and Operation Guide 7.8
Improving the management portal Changes have been made so that the messages describing the procedure are now displayed on the following management portal windows:
  • Deploy Preference Information window
  • Start windows for the Web server, J2EE server, and SFO server
  • Batch start, batch restart, and start windows for Web server cluster and J2EE server cluster
Management Portal User Guide 10.11.1, 11.9.2, 11.10.2, 11.11.2, 11.11.4, 11.11.6, 11.12.2, 11.13.2, 11.13.4, 11.13.6
Adding the restart functionality in the management functionality You can now specify automatic restart for the management functionality (Management Server and Administration Agent), and continue operations even when an error occurs in the management functionality. The procedure for automatic start settings has also been changed. Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.6.3, 2.6.4
Command Reference Guide mngautorun (Set up/canceling the setup of autostart and autorestart)

(5) Other purposes

The following table describes the items that are changed for other purposes.

Table E-5 Changes due to other purposes

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference
Changing the file switching units when log is output The output destination files are now switched by date when the log is output. This manual 3.2.1
Changing the Web server name The name of the Web server included in Application Server is changed to Cosminexus HTTP Server. HTTP Server User Guide --
Supporting direct connection by using the BIG-IP APIs (SOAP architecture) Direct connection is now supported by using APIs (SOAP architecture) in BIG-IP (load balancer).
Also, the procedure for setting up the connection environment of the load balancer has been changed for using a direct connection through APIs.
System Setup and Operation Guide 4.7.3, Appendix K
Virtual System Setup and Operation Guide 2.1, Appendix C
Security Management Guide 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4

--: Reference the entire manual.