uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


3.3.9 Settings for Acquiring the Web Server Log

This subsection describes the items that you can set up for acquiring Web server logs. The Web server set up for acquiring the logs is Cosminexus HTTP Server.

The logs output in the Web server are the Error logs, Access logs and the Request logs. For details about the output logs, see the uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide. Among the output logs of the Web server, you can change the output destination or the output method of logs in the Easy Setup definition file for the Error log, Access log, and Request log.

The following table describes the settings of the items that you can change for acquiring the Web server log, and the corresponding parameters of the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 3-14 Settings for acquiring Web server log

Log Items Corresponding parameters of the Easy Setup definition file
Error log Level of error log to be output LogLevel in the <configuration> tag on a logical Web server (web-server)
Output method of the error log HttpsdErrorMethod in the <configuration> tag on a logical Web server (web-server)
Output destination directory for error log HttpsdErrorLogFileDir in the <configuration> tag on a logical Web server (web-server)
Access log Output method of the access log HttpsdCustomMethod in the <configuration> tag on a logical Web server (web-server)
Output destination directory for access log HttpsdCustomLogFileDir in the <configuration> tag on a logical Web server (web-server)
Format of the access log to be output HttpsdCustomlogFormat in the <configuration> tag on a logical Web server (web-server)
Request log Trace extraction availability HWSRequestLogLevel in the <configuration> tag on a logical Web server (web-server)
Output method of the request log HttpsdRequestMethod in the <configuration> tag on a logical Web server (web-server)
Output destination directory of request log HttpsdRequestLogFileDir in the <configuration> tag on a logical Web server (web-server)

Moreover, you can specify the unit of time and the output time for Error log, Access log, and Request log in the HWSLogTimeVerbose parameter in the <configuration> tag of logical Web server (web-server).

When checking the Web server operation by using Management Server, to output the operation check log apart from the usual log (access log), you must make settings in the Easy Setup definition file. Set the AppendDirectives and HttpsdCustomlogFormat parameters by specifying item in the SetBy parameter in the <configuration> tag of the logical Web server (web-server).
The AppendDirectives and HttpsdCustomlogFormat parameters are set as explained in the examples below. The example explains how to collect the operation check log by using the wraparound method. Change the description of the CustomLog directive in the AppendDirectives parameter according to the log output method.
Example of AppendDirectives parameter settings
In Windows
SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^127\.0\.0\.1$ Env_ManagerHealthCheck
CustomLog "|\"\"Cosminexus installation directory/httpsd/sbin/rotatelogs2.exe\" \"Cosminexus-installation-directory/httpsd/servers/HWS_ actual-server-name-of-the-logical-Web-server/logs/access_manager\" 8192 5\"" hws_std env=Env_ManagerHealthCheck
SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^127\.0\.0\.1$ Env_ManagerHealthCheck
CustomLog "|/opt/hitachi/httpsd/sbin/rotatelogs2 \"/opt/hitachi/httpsd/servers/HWS_actual-server-name-of-the-
logical-Web-server/logs/access_manager\" 8192 5" hws_std env=Env_ManagerHealthCheck
Example of HttpsdCustomlogFormat parameter settings
  <param-value>hws_std env=!Env_ManagerHealthCheck</param-value>