uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


3.3.8 Settings for Acquiring the SFO Server Log

This subsection describes the items that you can set up for acquiring SFO server logs.

You can change the log size and log levels of SFO server logs. The following table describes the items that you can change and the corresponding parameters of the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 3-13 Settings for acquiring SFO server log

Items Corresponding parameters of the Easy Setup definition file
Log size

Number of log files
ejbserver.logger.channels.define.channel-name.filenum in the <configuration> tag on a logical SFO server (sfo-server)

Maximum size for each log file
ejbserver.logger.channels.define.channel-name.filesize in the <configuration> tag on a logical SFO server (sfo-server)
Log level ejbserver.logger.enabled.* in the <configuration> tag on a logical SFO server (sfo-server)

If you specify true (default value) in the ejbserver.logger.systemlog.enabled parameter in the <configuration> tag of logical SFO server (sfo-server) or if you skip specification of this parameter, the message indicating start, termination, or abnormal termination of the SFO server will output to an event log (in UNIX, syslog).

Notes (in UNIX)
To output messages related to SFO server start, stop, and abnormal termination, to syslog, it is necessary to set the priority for the facility daemon to info or debug in the syslog settings. Moreover, the log output destination and the log file name of syslog depend on the settings of syslog.
For details about syslog and its settings, see the description of syslogd or syslog.conf in the manual provided with OS.

For details on the parameters to be specified in the Easy Setup definition file, see 4.6 Easy Setup definition file in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Changing log size
(2) Changing the log level

(1) Changing log size

To change the SFO server log size, set up the number of log files and maximum size for each log file in the Easy Setup definition file. This setting method is same as the setting method for acquiring J2EE server logs. For details, see 3.3.6 Settings for Acquiring the J2EE Server Log.

(2) Changing the log level

An SFO server log level indicates the importance of a log. In log levels, there are four levels; Error, Warning, Information, and Debug. If you set up a log level, a log of the specified level will be output. By default, only Error level logs are acquired. Use this log as it is. The setting method is same as the setting method for acquiring J2EE server logs. For details, see 3.3.6 Settings for Acquiring the J2EE Server Log.