uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


3.3.10 Settings for Acquiring the Redirector Log

You can change the output destination or the log output level for the redirector output log. The redirector output log is output in two separate logs; message log and maintenance trace log. In a message log, a message for the log is output when an error occurs. In a maintenance trace log, the trace information from the reception of a HTTP request until sending of response is output.

Hitachi recommends that the log size of the maintenance trace log is to be customized to the size that is maintained from the time an error occurs until the error is detected and log is collected as per the estimation formula.

This subsection describes the items that you can set up for acquiring the redirector log for each of the following execution environments:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Environment using the Smart Composer functionality
(2) Web redirector environment or environment that does not use Smart Composer functionality
(3) Notes

(1) Environment using the Smart Composer functionality

In the environment using the Smart Composer functionality (Management Server), you can change the settings for acquiring the redirector log in the Easy Setup definition file and mod_jk.conf. For details on the files and file keys used in the description, see 4. Files used in Smart Composer Functionality in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide. Furthermore, in UNIX, the user having a root permission (when Component Container administrator is not set up) or a Component Container administrator permission (when Component Container administrator is set up) can change the settings.

Method of enabling the changed settings

This point describes the methods of enabling the changed settings for each OS.

In Windows
To enable the settings for acquiring the changed redirector log, restart Cosminexus HTTP Server.

The methods of enabling the settings for acquiring the changed redirector log differ depending on the availability of change in the file size or number of files.
When file size or file count is changed
For changing the file size or file count, use the following methods to enabling the settings for acquiring the changed redirector log:
  1. Terminate Cosminexus HTTP Server.
  2. Move or delete the log file and management file.
    For message log file: Move or delete the message log file and the management file (setup-value- of-JkTrcaeLogFilePrefix.mm) used by HNTRLib.
    For maintenance trace log file: Move or delete the maintenance trace log file and the management file (setup-value- of-JkTrcaeLogFilePrefix.mm) used by HNTRLib.
  3. Restart Cosminexus HTTP Server.
The default storage location of the management files that HNTRLib uses is as follows:
When file size or file count is not changed
When you do not want to change the file size or file count, restart Cosminexus HTTP Server.
Settings that can be changed

The following table describes the settings that you can change and the setting contents of each file corresponding to these items.

Table 3-15 Settings for acquiring redirector log (Easy Setup definition file, mod_jk.conf)

Items Setting location Setting contents
Log output level for message log and maintenance trace log Easy Setup definition file Specify the output level of redirector log in the JkLogLevel parameter in the <configuration> tag of logical Web server (web-server).
Message log output destination Specify the output destination directory in the
JkLogFileDir parameter in the <configuration> tag of the logical Web server (web-server).
Message log file size Specify the file size for each log file that outputs redirector log in the JkLogFileSize parameter in the <configuration> tag of logical Web server (web-server).
Number of message log files Specify the number of log files that output redirector log in the JkLogFileNum parameter in the <configuration> tag of the logical Web server (web-server).
Prefix for message log file name mod_jk.conf Specify a prefix for log file name that outputs redirector log in JkLogFilePrefix key in mod_jk.conf.
Availability of output of maintenance trace log Easy Setup definition file Specify whether to output a redirector maintenance trace log in the JkTraceLog parameter in the <configuration> tag of the logical Web server (web-server).
Output destination of maintenance trace log Specify the output destination directory of the redirector maintenance trace log in JkTraceLogFileDir# in <configuration> of the logical Web server (web-server).
Maintenance trace log file size Specify the file size for each log file that outputs a redirector maintenance trace log in the JkTraceLogFileSize parameter in <configuration> of the logical Web server (web-server).
Number of maintenance trace log files Specify the number of log files that output a redirector maintenance trace log in JkTraceLogFileNum in <configuration> of the logical Web server (web-server).
Prefix for maintenance trace log file name mod_jk.conf Specify the prefix for the log file name that outputs a redirector maintenance trace log in JkTrcaeLogFilePrefix# in mod_jk.conf.

Do not specify the same values for the output destination and for the prefix of the maintenance trace log. If same values are specified, redirector will not operate.

Default output destination of the message log and maintenance trace log
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
The log directory does not exist at the time of new installation. The log directory is created while starting Cosminexus HTTP Server.

Log level name
You can specify any of emerg#, error, info, and debug for a log level name in the order of high priority.
  • emerg: Specify this for normal operation. Only the message, having a high priority that must always be output, is output.#
  • error: Specify this for normal operation.
  • Info: Specify this for testing.
  • Debug: Specify at failure detection time.
Specify the log level separately (do not specify the multiple log levels using comma demarcation). If you specify any log level, the specified log level and log having higher priority than the specified log is output.
You can specify in Windows.

Formula for estimating the log size
Estimate the log size for each HTTP access of GET request, POST request using the following formula:
  • Log size for each HTTP access by GET
    = 1.75 + (average-response-body-size / 16)* 0.25
  • Log size for each HTTP access by POST
    = 2.00 + (average-POST-data-size / 16)* 0.5 + (average-response-body-size / 16)* 0.25
Note that all units are in kilobytes and all the values after the decimal point in division result are rounded-off. Moreover, the average size of the request URL and query character string is considered to be of 100 bytes respectively in the formula. If the average size of the request URL and query character string exceeds 100 bytes, calculate the size by adding the increased size to the first value of the formula.

Consider the following points for the settings to acquire redirector logs:

(2) Web redirector environment or environment that does not use Smart Composer functionality

In the Web redirector environment and in the environment that does use the Smart Composer functionality, the settings for acquiring the redirector log differ depending on the used Web server. For details about the files and the keys used in the description, see the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(a) In the case of Cosminexus HTTP Server

When using Cosminexus HTTP Server, you can change the settings for acquiring the redirector log in the mod_jk.conf file. Furthermore, in UNIX, the user having root permission (when Component Container administrator is not set up) or Component Container administrator permission (when Component Container administrator is set up) can change the settings.

Method of enabling the changed settings

This point describes the methods of enabling the changed settings for each OS.

In Windows
To enable the settings for acquiring the changed redirector log, restart Cosminexus HTTP Server.

The methods of enabling the settings for acquiring the changed redirector log differs depending on the availability of change in the file size or number of files.
When changing file size or file count
For changing the file size or file count, use the following method to enable the settings for acquiring the changed redirector log:
  1. Terminate Cosminexus HTTP Server.
  2. Move or delete the log file and the management file.
    For message log file: Move or delete the message log file and the management file (setup-value-of-JkLogFilePrefix.mm) used by HNTRLib.
    For maintenance trace log file: Move or delete the maintenance trace log file and the management file (setup-value-of-JkLogFilePrefix.mm) used by HNTRLib.
  3. Restart Cosminexus HTTP Server.
The default storage location of the management files that HNTRLib uses is as follows:
When not changing the file size or file count
When you do not want to change the file size or file count, restart Cosminexus HTTP Server.
Settings that can be changed

The following table describes the items that can be changed, and the user definition files and keys corresponding to these items.

Table 3-16 Settings for acquiring redirector log in Cosminexus HTTP Server

Items mod_jk.conf key
Log output level for message log and maintenance trace log JkLogLevel
Output destination of message log JkLogFileDir
Message log file size JkLogFileSize
Number of message log files JkLogFileNum
Prefix for message log file name JkLogFilePrefix
Availability of output of maintenance trace log JkTraceLog
Output destination of maintenance trace log JkTraceLogFileDir#
Maintenance trace log file size JkTraceLogFileSize
Number of maintenance trace log files JkTraceLogFileNum
Prefix for maintenance trace log file name JkTrcaeLogFilePrefix#

Do not specify same values for the output destination and for the prefix of a maintenance trace log. If same values are specified, redirector will not operate.

Default output destination of the message log and maintenance trace log
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
The log directory does not exist during the new installation. The log directory is created while starting Cosminexus HTTP Server.

Log level name
You can specify any of emerg#, error, info, and debug for a log level name in the order of high priority.
  • emerg: Specify for normal operation. Only the message having a high priority that must always be output, is output.#
  • error: Specify this for normal operation.
  • Info: Specify this for testing.
  • Debug: Specify at failure detection time.
Specify the log level separately (do not specify the multiple log levels using comma demarcation). If you specify any log level, the specified log level and log having higher priority than the specified log is output.
You can specify in Windows.

Formula for estimating the log size
Estimate the log size for each HTTP access of GET request and POST request using the following formula:
  • Log size for each HTTP access by GET
    = 1.75 + (average-response-body-size / 16)* 0.25
  • Log size for each HTTP access by POST
    = 2.00 + (average-POST-data-size / 16)* 0.5 + (average-response-body-size / 16)* 0.25
Note that all the units are in kilobytes and all the values after the decimal point in division result are rounded-off. Moreover, the average size of the request URL and query character string is considered to be 100 bytes respectively in the formula. If the average size of the request URL and query character string exceeds 100 bytes, calculate the size by adding the increased size to the first value of the formula.
(b) Microsoft IIS

When using Microsoft IIS, you can change the settings for acquiring the redirector log in the isapi_redirect.conf file.

The file size set up in the isapi_redirect.conf file and the log file of the number of files are created when first request is executed after setting up a link with the Web server. To create a log file, you require the processing time proportionate to the log file size and the number of files. If you set up a larger log file size or if you increase the number of files, the process will take time for creating a log file.
Hitachi recommends that after setting up a link with Web server and after changing the log file settings, execute the first request before starting an operation.
Method of enabling the changed settings

To change the file size or the number of files, use the following procedure for enabling the settings to acquire the changed redirector log:

  1. Terminate Microsoft IIS.
  2. Move or delete the log file and management file.
    For message log file: Move or delete the message log file and the management file (setup-value-of-log_file_prefix.mm) used by HNTRLib.
    For maintenance trace log file: Move or delete the maintenance trace log file and the management file (setup-value-of-trace_log_file_prefix.mm) used by HNTRLib. Moreover, the default storage location of the management files that HNTRLib uses is as follows:
  3. Start Microsoft IIS.
    When you do not want to change the file size or the number of files, the procedure for enabling the settings to acquire the changed redirector log is as follows.
  4. Restart the Microsoft IIS, or recycle the worker process.
    You can recycle the worker process using information service manager of Microsoft IIS.
Settings that can be changed

The following table describes the items that can be changed, and the user definition files and keys corresponding to these items. For details about isapi_redirect.conf, see 9.2 isapi_redirect.conf (Redirector operation definition file for Microsoft IIS) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Table 3-17 Settings for acquiring the redirector log in Microsoft IIS

Items isapi_redirect.conf key
Log output level for message log and maintenance trace log log_level
Output destination of the message log log_file_dir
Message log file size log_file_size
Number of files of message log log_file_num
Prefix for message log file name log_file_prefix
Availability of output of maintenance trace log trace_log
Output destination of maintenance trace log trace_log_file_dir#
Maintenance trace log file size trace_log_file_size
Number of files of maintenance trace log trace_log_file_num
Prefix for maintenance trace log file name trace_log_file_prefix#

Do not specify same values for the output destination and for the prefix of a maintenance trace log. If same values are specified, redirector will not operate.

Default output destination of the message log and maintenance trace log:
The logs directory does not exist during the new installation. The logs directory is created while executing the first request.

Log level name
You can specify any of emerg#, error, info, and debug for a log level name in the order of high priority.
  • emerg: Specify this for normal operation. Only the message having high priority that must always be output, is output.#
  • error: Specify this for normal operation.
  • Info: Specify this for testing.
  • Debug: Specify at failure detection time.
Specify the log level separately (do not specify the multiple log levels using comma demarcation). If you specify any log level, the specified log level and log having higher priority than the specified log is output.

Formula for estimating the log size
Estimate the log size for each HTTP access of GET request, POST request using following formula:
  • Log size for each HTTP access by GET
    = 2.25 + (average-response-body-size / 16)* 0.25
  • Log size for each HTTP access by POST
    = 2.50 + (average-POST-data-size / 16)* 0.5 + (average-response-body-size / 16)* 0.25
Note that all the units are in kilobytes and all the values after the decimal point in division result are rounded-off. Moreover, the average size of the request URL and query character string is considered to be of 100 bytes respectively in the formula. If the average size of the request URL and query character string exceeds 100 bytes, calculate the size by adding the increased size to the first value of the formula.

(3) Notes

Consider the following points for the settings to acquire the redirector log are: