uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


4.20 Information on the execution of the Component Container Administrator setup command (In UNIX)

When Component Container Administrator is specified, the information on the execution of the Component Container Administrator setup (cjenvsetup command) is output to a message log and a text file. If the previous execution information exists, a maximum of five files are stored including the latest execution information stored until the fourth generation for each type.

Also, in the case of an overwrite installation, if Component Container Administrator was set up before the overwrite installation, the Component Container Administrator setup (cjenvsetup command) is automatically executed during installation.

The following table describes the output destination of the execution information.

Table 4-35 Output destination of the information on the execution of the Component Container Administrator setup (cjenvsetup command)

Classification Contents Log output destination and log file name
Message log Operation log of the cjenvsetup command /opt/Cosminexus/CC/logs/cjenvsetupmessage[n]#.log
Text file File (directory) information before change /opt/Cosminexus/CC/logs/before_cjenvsetup_files[n]#.txt
Text file File (directory) information after change /opt/Cosminexus/CC/logs/after_cjenvsetup_files[n]#.txt

In [n], specify the generation number (from 1 to 4). The generation number is not added to the latest execution information. A maximum of five log files are stored.

For details on the output contents, see 4.1.4 Notes on setting Component Container administrator (For UNIX) in the uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide.