uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


8.14 Trace collection points of a DB Connector and JCA container

This section describes the trace collection points of a DB Connector and JCA container, and also the trace information that can be collected.

Of the trace collection points related to a connection, some can be collected only when a local transaction is used. This section separately describes the trace collection points that can be collected irrespective of the transaction support level, and the trace collection points that can be collected only when a local transaction is used. Here, the trace collection points that can be collected irrespective of the transaction support level are called connection-related trace collection points.

Organization of this section
8.14.1 Connection-related trace collection points and trace information that can be collected
8.14.2 Trace collection points and trace information that can be collected when a local transaction is used
8.14.3 Trace collection points and trace information that can be collected when a connection association is used
8.14.4 Trace collection points and trace information that can be collected when the automatic connection close functionality is used
8.14.5 Trace collection points and trace information that can be collected in the case of linkage with the DB Connector for Cosminexus RM
8.14.6 Trace collection points and trace information that can be collected when work management is used