uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


5.8.2 When C Heap Is Insufficient

When C heap is insufficient, the message output, and dump output or core dump generation is performed in the following order:

  1. A message log indicating insufficient C heap is output to the error report file and standard output.
  2. If the memory is insufficient during the execution of 1., a simple message is output to the standard output.
  3. In Windows, the Watson log is started and dump is output. In UNIX, if the memory is still insufficient during the output of a simple message, output of the message and error log file is interrupted and a core dump is generated.

Each output format is described below.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Output contents of a message log indicating insufficient C heap
(2) Output contents of message showing memory insufficiency
(3) Output contents of the message indicating whether the Watson log is output correctly (in Windows)
(4) Output contents of the message indicating core dump generation

(1) Output contents of a message log indicating insufficient C heap

The output format of a message log indicating insufficient C heap is described below. This format is common for the error report file and standard output.

When such a message is output, take appropriate measures such as reducing C heap.

The output contents are as follows:

Table 5-27 Output items of message log when C heap is insufficient

Output items Description
ThreadName The thread name extracted by the Thread#getName() method is output.
n The size of memory securing requests is output.
message The internal message required by maintenance personnel for investigation is output. In some cases it may not be output.
Java heap information The usage status of Java heap is output.
Stack trace The stack trace is output when the thread for which the memory is insufficient is the thread that is executing a Java code.
The stack trace is not output when the memory is insufficient in the thread that is executing internal process such as compilation process in JavaVM.

(2) Output contents of message showing memory insufficiency

If memory becomes insufficient while a message log indicating insufficient C heap is being output, the process cannot be continued. In this case, a simple message in the following format is output to the standard output.

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:requested <n> bytes for <message>

The output contents are as follows:

Table 5-28 Output contents of a simple message when the memory is insufficient

Output items Description
n The size of memory securing requests is output.
message The internal message required by maintenance personnel for investigation is output.

(3) Output contents of the message indicating whether the Watson log is output correctly (in Windows)

After a simple message is output, the Watson log is started and a dump is output. However, in some cases, since the Watson log cannot be output successfully, check the output message for the process results in the standard output.

The following message is output if Watson log startup fails.

WatosonLog process generated.But couldn't generate dump file,because of resource shortage.

The following message is output if a dump output fails after starting the Watson log.

Couldn't generate dump file, because of resource shortage.

When these processes are successful, the message shown below is output. However, even in these cases, there are times when the Watson log dump output is not performed successfully. Even when this message is output, confirm whether the dump is actually output.

Although Dr.Watson process finished successfully,dump file isn't always generated.
Check your directory where dump file is stored.

(4) Output contents of the message indicating core dump generation

If the memory is still insufficient when a simple message is output, output of the message and error log file is interrupted and a core dump is generated. When a core dump is generated, the message in the following format is output in the standard output.

Can't create logs because of memory shortage.
Insufficient memory for malloc. JVM generates core file