uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


3.3.18 Settings for Acquiring a Core Dump

This section describes the settings for acquiring core dumps in UNIX.

Depending on the Linux specifications, the size information in the core file might be invalid.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Setting the maximum size of core files
(2) Setting the maximum number of files for core files

(1) Setting the maximum size of core files

The maximum size of core files may be 0 depending on the operation environment of the system. In such cases, core dumps cannot be acquired during abnormal termination of server processes, and therefore, you need to set in advance the maximum size of core files to infinite. To set the maximum size of the core file to infinite, either specify the option in the JavaVM start parameter in the simple setup definition file or execute shell commands.

Note that the core file size increases with the increase in the memory pool size specified in the JavaVM start parameter in the simple setup definition file, secure sufficient free disk space.

Also, in addition to these settings, we recommend that you execute the shell commands to set the maximum file size to unlimited.

Example of execution for csh (C shell)
limit filesize unlimit

Example of execution for sh (standard shell)
ulimit -f unlimited
Reference note
Formula for estimating the core file size
The core file size, generated when a JavaVM process is down, is equal to the amount of virtual memory used. For details on the formula for the virtual memory usage, see the following manuals. The disk, which contains the current directory of the JavaVM process where the core file is generated, must always have free space greater than this core file size.
  • For the J2EE application execution platform
    5.3 Estimating virtual memory usage in the uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide
  • For the batch application execution platform
    6.3 Estimating virtual memory usage in the uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide

(2) Setting the maximum number of files for core files

You can define the upper limit for the number of core files in the ejb.server.corefilenum parameter in the <configuration> tag of a logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) in the Easy Setup definition file. Define the ejb.server.corefilenum parameter in the extension parameter of the J2EE server.

If the total of core dump files output to working-directory/ejb/server-name/ while restarting the cjstartsv process exceeds the specified maximum number, the files are deleted in the order of output date, starting from the oldest file.