uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


2.4.1 Trouble types and the required data

Types of problems that can occur in an application server system are as follows:

The following table describes the data to be acquired for each type of problem.

Table 2-5 List of data to be acquired for each type of problem

Item No. Type of material Problem type
Error message output System down Hang-up (No response) Slow down
1 Message log#1 Y Y Y Y
2 User log#1 Y Y Y Y
3 Exception log#1 Y Y Y Y
4 Maintenance log#1 Y Y Y Y
5 Trace based performance analysis Y Y Y Y
6 Thread dumps of JavaVM Y Y Y Y
7 Garbage collection logs of JavaVM P Y Y Y
8 Memory dump -- Y Y Y
9 JavaVM log file#2 -- Y Y Y
10 Error report files -- Y -- --
11 OS state or log Y Y Y Y
12 Statistical information of OS P Y Y Y
13 Definition information Y Y Y Y
14 Operation directory#4 P P P P
15 Resource setting Y Y Y Y
16 Web server log Y Y Y Y
17 JavaVM stack trace#3 -- Y -- --
18 Event log of the Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality of JavaVM#2 -- Y Y Y

Y: Required
P: Whether to be acquired depends on the actual error contents
--: Do not acquire

Log output by the Application Server component software.

Output when JavaVM start option is specified. For details about acquisition options, see 4.10 JavaVM Log (JavaVM Log File). For details about options, see 16. JavaVM Start Options in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Output only when using UNIX.

The default working directories are Application-Server-installation-directory\CC\server\public (in Windows), or /opt/Cosminexus/CC/server/public (in UNIX).