uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


2.4.2 List of Required Data to Be Acquired

The following table describes a list of data required for troubleshooting in the application server. Moreover, the same table also describes the timing to send the data to maintenance personnel when required.

Table 2-6 List for data acquisition

Item No. Type of material Description Delivery timing
1 Message log#1 The status and the error information of the J2EE server, and so on, is output in the message log. Primary/ Secondary
2 User log#1 The information of the standard output and the standard error output in the application is output in the user log. Primary
3 Exception log#1 The exception information when the error occurred in the system is output in the exception log. Primary
4 Maintenance log#1 The failure maintenance information when the error occurred in the system is output in the maintenance log. The maintenance personnel use this information for analyzing the failure. Primary/ Secondary
5 Trace based performance analysis The trace information that is output in one cycle of processing of the request is output in the trace based performance analysis. Secondary
6 Thread dumps of JavaVM Outputs the JavaVM operation information and thread stack status. Primary
7 Garbage collection logs of JavaVM Outputs the activity status of JavaVM garbage collection. Primary
8 Memory dump The memory image of the process is output in the memory dump. Secondary
9 JavaVM log file#2 Outputs the JavaVM log provided with Cosminexus Developer Kit for Java. Primary
10 Error report files A log file output when you stop the JavaVM. Primary
11 OS state or log A record of the OS operation information. Primary/ Secondary
12 Statistical information of OS A record of the OS statistical information. Primary
13 Definition information Definition information of various types of the application server settings. Primary/ Definition
14 Operation directory A directory that stores the work file during the application server operation. Primary/ Secondary/ Definition
15 Resource setting The information of settings of resources used in the application server (data source, resource adapter). Secondary/ Definition
16 Web server log Log of Cosminexus HTTP Server, Microsoft IIS. Primary/ Secondary
17 JavaVM stack trace#3 The information used for cause investigation if JavaVM terminates abnormally. Primary/ Secondary
18 Event log of the Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality of JavaVM#2 Information of an event (initialization of Explicit memory block, object creation to Explicit memory block, release process of Explicit memory block) occurred due to the Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality will be output. Primary

Primary: Primary delivery data
Secondary: Secondary delivery data
Definition: Definition sending data

Log output by the Application Server component software.

Output when JavaVM start option is specified. For details about acquisition options, see 4.10 JavaVM Log (JavaVM Log File). For details about options, see 16. JavaVM Start Options in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Output only when using UNIX.

A log file is created automatically in the directory specified in the environment settings file of each component software. A serial number from 1 to the number of specified log files is attached to the file name. When the size of the log file reaches its maximum size for one file, the output destination switches to the next log file. After the number of specified log files are output, the log is output once again to the log file with the number of the file name as 1. Note that there are times when the file size of the log file may slightly increase as compared to the size specified in the environment settings file to ensure that one record of a log file is output without a break. The maximum length of one record is about 4 KB.