uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


2.4.3 Correspondence Between Acquisition Methods and Investigation Methods

This section describes the reference destination of methods for acquiring and investigating the required data to be acquired. Moreover, this section also describes the types of information that can be acquired as a snapshot log.

Table 2-7 Reference destination of methods for acquiring and investigating the required data to be acquired

Item No. Type of material Possibility of acquiring in snapshot log with default settings#1 Reference
Individual collection method Investigation method
1 Message log Y 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 5.2, 5.3
2 User log Y
3 Exception log Y
4 Maintenance log Y
5 Trace based performance analysis Y 4.6 5.4, 7.7
6 JavaVM thread dump Y#2 4.7 5.5
7 Garbage collection logs of JavaVM -- 4.8 5.6
8 Memory dump --#2 4.9 --#3
9 JavaVM log file#4 -- 4.10 5.7
10 Error report files -- 4.11 5.8
11 OS status and log Y 4.12 5.9
12 OS statistical information -- 4.13 --#3
13 Definition information Y 4.14 --#3
14 Working directory -- 4.15 --#3
15 Resource setting -- 4.16 --#3
16 Web server log -- 4.17 --#3
17 JavaVM stack trace#3, #5 -- 4.18 5.10
18 Event log of the Explicit Memory Management functionality of JavaVM#4 -- 4.19 5.11

Y: Can be acquired
--: Cannot be acquired

This log can be acquired if the directory, in which snapshot log is collected, is added.

This log can be collected only if it is output using commands when an error is detected in advance. (When collecting the snapshot log, the commands that output a dump cannot be executed).

Maintenance personnel use this data.

Output when JavaVM start option is specified. For details about acquisition options, see 4.10 JavaVM Log (JavaVM Log File). For details about options, see 16. Options for Invoking JavaVM in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Output only when using UNIX.