uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


5.8 Message log output by JavaVM (Standard output and error report file)

When the JavaVM crashes, JavaVM outputs the debug information to the standard output and error report file.

The following are cases when the debug information is output to the error report file:

The contents of message log output in the following cases are as follows.

Table 5-26 Message log output by JavaVM

Message type Output destination
When a signal occurs in JNI or message in JavaVM# Standard output
Error report files
Insufficient C heap message# Standard output
Error report files
Internal Error occurrence message# Standard output
Error report files
Thread creation failure message# Standard output

The JavaVM proprietary output destination or output contents exist.

Note that the thread creation failure message is output only in the standard output.

Organization of this section
5.8.1 When a Signal Occurs
5.8.2 When C Heap Is Insufficient
5.8.3 When an Internal Error Occurs
5.8.4 When Thread Creation Fails