uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


5.2 Application Server Log

This section describes how to investigate Application Server log.

By investigating message logs and user logs of Application Server, you can investigate the cause of error occurrence. Moreover, even in the case of process errors, you can confirm the progress status of the process and error indications.

Furthermore, among Application Server logs, for the precautions when referencing a system log of the EJB client applications, see 2.6.1 Precautions Related to the System Log of an EJB Client Application.

The Application Server log includes the following three types of logs:

The trace common library format is the log that is output by using the trace common library. For details on the trace common library format, see 9.2.2 User log output mechanism in the uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide.

The specific format is the log that is output in a format other than the trace common library format.

This section classifies and describes the Application Server log for each log type. The following Application Server log is described here:

Furthermore, the following are the three types of Application Server logs:

Note that the time-based switching of output destinations and file naming in Shift mode might be enabled in the Hitachi Trace Common Library format log. For details, see 3.2.1 Specifiable contents.

The following table describes the logs that are output, the corresponding log types, and whether time-specified switching and shift mode are supported, for each acquired log.

Table 5-2 J2EE server and redirector log type

Category Contents Type Support for time-specified switching and Shift mode
Message log Operation log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Log operation log Proprietary format --
Redirector message log
  • For using Cosminexus HTTP Server in Windows
    Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process)
  • For using Microsoft IIS in Windows or for using UNIX
    Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes)
Operation log of resource adapter that is deployed and used as J2EE resource adapter Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Operation log of resource adapter used by including in J2EE application Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Web servlet log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
User log User output log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
User error log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
JavaVM maintenance information and garbage collection log Proprietary format --
Event log of the Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality Proprietary format --
Exception log Exception information when an error occurs Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Maintenance log Maintenance information Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Console message Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
EJB container maintenance information Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Web container maintenance information Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Start process standard output information Proprietary format --
Start process standard error information Proprietary format --
Termination process information Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Redirector maintenance trace log
  • For using Cosminexus HTTP Server in Windows
    Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process)
  • For using Microsoft IIS in Windows or for using UNIX
    Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes)
Event log Log showing J2EE server start, stop or abnormal termination Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
syslog Log showing J2EE server start, stop or abnormal termination Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --

Y: Supported
--: Not supported or not applicable

Table 5-3 Server management command log

Category Contents Type Support for time-specified switching and Shift mode
Message log Operation log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
Log operation log Proprietary format --
Exception log Exception information when an error occurs Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
Maintenance log Maintenance information Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
Console message Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
Server management command maintenance information Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --

--: Not supported or not applicable

Table 5-4 Resource adapter version-up command (cjrarupdate) log

Category Contents Type Support for time-specified switching and Shift mode
Message log Operation log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
Exception log Exception information when an error occurs Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
Maintenance log Maintenance information Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --

--: Not supported or not applicable

Table 5-5 Log of In-process HTTP Server

Category Contents Type
Access log Process results of In-process HTTP Server Proprietary format
Thread trace Information of thread trace Proprietary format
Communication trace Information of communication trace Proprietary format

Table 5-6 Migration command (cjenvupdate) log

Category Contents Type Support for time-specified switching and Shift mode
Message log Operation log of the cjenvupdate command Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
Exception log Exception information of the cjenvupdate command Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
Maintenance log Maintenance information of the cjenvupdate command Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --

--: Not supported or not applicable

Table 5-7 Resource depletion monitoring log

Monitored Resources Type Support for time-specified switching and Shift mode
Memory Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
File descriptors Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Threads Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Thread dump Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
HTTP requests pending queue Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
HTTP session numbers Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Connection pool Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y

Y: Supported

Table 5-8 Administration agent, Management agent, and Management Server log

Category Contents Type Support for time-specified switching and Shift mode
Integrated log Integrated message log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) Y
Integrated trace log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) Y
Command maintenance log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
Administration agent Standard error output of Administration agent Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Standard output of Administration agent Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Standard command line error output of Administration agent Proprietary format --
Administration agent log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Administration agent start, stop command log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Administration agent maintenance log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Console log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Administration agent service log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Administration agent service standard output Proprietary format --
Administration agent service standard error output Proprietary format --
Management agent Management agent log and trace
J2EE server system JP1 event and J2EE server user JP1 event log
Management event issue log
Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Management Server Management Server service log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Management Server service standard error output Proprietary format --
Management Server service standard output Proprietary format --
Management Server service start stop command Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Management Server log
System JP1 event log of Management Server#
Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Execution log of the mngenvsetup command Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Management Server maintenance log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --

Y: Supported
--: Not supported or not applicable

Management Server of Application Server.

Table 5-9 Internal setup tool of the virtual server manager and Server Communication Agent logs

Category Contents Type Support for time-specified switching and Shift mode
Internal setup tool of the virtual server manager Logs for the internal setup tool of the virtual server manager Trace common library format (single process) Y
Maintenance logs for the internal setup tool of the virtual server manager Trace common library format (single process) --
Server Communication Agent Server Communication Agent logs Trace common library format (single process) Y
Service logs of the Server Communication Agent Trace common library format (single process) --
Start and stop command logs of the Server Communication Agent Trace common library format (single process) --
Standard error output of the Server Communication Agent Trace common library format (single process) --
Standard output of the Server Communication Agent Trace common library format (single process) --
Console logs Trace common library format (single process) Y
Maintenance logs of the Server Communication Agent Trace common library format (single process) --
Maintenance logs for the Server Communication Agent services Trace common library format (single process) --
Maintenance logs for the start and stop commands of the Server Communication Agent Trace common library format (single process) --
JavaVM log file of the Server Communication Agent Trace common library format (single process) --

Y: Supported
--: Not supported or not applicable

Table 5-10 Cosminexus Performance Tracer log

Contents Type
PRF daemon and PRF command log Proprietary format
Module trace Proprietary format
Structured exception occurrence log Proprietary format
Maintenance information Proprietary format

Table 5-11 Cosminexus Component Transaction Monitor log

Contents Type
CTM daemon or CTM command log Proprietary format
Maintenance information Proprietary format

Table 5-12 Log output to audit log

Category Contents Type Support for time-specified switching and Shift mode
Message log Message log of audit log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
Exception log Exception information of audit log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --

--: Not supported or not applicable

Table 5-13 Log output to Cosminexus JPA Provider

Contents Type Support for time-specified switching and Shift mode
Operation log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Maintenance log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y

Y: Supported

For details on the operation log output to Cosminexus JPA provider, see Appendix C.1 Cosminexus JPA Provider operation log.

Table 5-14 Log output by Cosminexus JMS Provider

Category Contents Type Support for time-specified switching and Shift mode
Message log CJMSP Broker message log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Management command (cjmsicmd command) message log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
CJMSP resource adapter message log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y
Exception log CJMSP Broker exception log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) --
Management command (cjmsicmd command) exception log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (multi processes) --
CJMSP resource adapter exception log Hitachi Trace Common Library format (single process) Y

Y: Supported
--: Not supported or not applicable

Organization of this section
5.2.1 Output Format and Output Items of the Hitachi Trace Common Library Format Log
5.2.2 Precautions to Be Taken When Referencing the Hitachi Trace Common Library Format Log
5.2.3 Output format and output items of access log of In-process HTTP Server
5.2.4 Output Format and Output Items of the Event Log (In Windows)
5.2.5 Output Format and Output Items of syslog (In UNIX)