uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


5.2.5 Output Format and Output Items of syslog (In UNIX)

The output format and output items of syslog are described below.

syslog is output when starting, stopping, and abnormally terminating the J2EE server. The output format is as follows:

Date Time Host name ID character string pid: Message text

The output items are as follows:

Table 5-20 Output items of syslog

Item name Description
Date Date when the message is output.
Time Time when the message is output.
Host name Character string that shows host name is output.
Pid Process ID is output.
ID character string HEJB is output as the character string showing the application.
Message text Message text is output.
Notes on the output format of the syslog messages
If you output the control characters such as linefeed and tabs (ASCII code 0-31, 127) to syslog with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6, the results will differ from the output results of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 with the default settings. With Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6, convert the control characters to #number (number expresses the character code with a 3-digit octal numeral) to output the characters.
The procedure for changing the output to the one similar to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 is as follows:
  1. Update rsyslog to version rsyslog-4.6.2-3.el6_1.4 or later.
  2. Set the following options in /etc/rsyslog.conf:
    $EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive off
    $ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_SysklogdFileFormat
    $SpaceLFOnReceive on
    $DropTrailingLFOnReception off
  3. Execute service rsyslog restart to restart rsyslog.