uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


5.2.1 Output Format and Output Items of the Hitachi Trace Common Library Format Log

The output format and output items of the Hitachi Trace Common Library format log are described below.

Application Server log is output in the Hitachi Trace Common Library format

Organization of this subsection
(1) Output format
(2) Output items

(1) Output format

The output format of Hitachi Trace Common Library format log is as follows:

Number Date Time AP name pid tid message ID Type Message text CRLF

(2) Output items

The output items of the Hitachi Trace Common Library format log are as follows:

Table 5-15 Output items of the Hitachi Trace Common Library format log

Item name Description
No. A 4 digit number showing the trace record serial number is output.
Date Date of acquiring the trace is output in the yyyy/mm/dd format.
Time Time of acquiring the trace is output in the hh:mm:ss.sss format.
AP name String showing the program is output.
Pid Process ID is output.
Tid Thread ID is output.
Message ID Message ID is output in the XXXXnnnnn-Y format.
Type Event type that triggers the trace output is output.
Message text Message text is output. Additional information may also be output.
CRLF Terminal code of the record (0x0D, 0x0A) is output.

Editing and displaying log files
When the sort or filter function is used by displaying the Hitachi Trace Common Library format log in Microsoft Excel, you can effectively investigate the cause of the error that occurred.
The example of displaying the Hitachi Trace Common Library format log by using Microsoft Excel is as follows:

Figure 5-1 Display example of log of Hitachi Trace Common Library format using Microsoft Excel

Reference note
  • As a delimiting data format, select fixed length field data that is right or left justified by using spaces.
  • Delete the unnecessary arrows in the Data Preview box.
  • Specify Character string in Display format of each column.