uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


7.7 Analysis operation of the processing performance by using the trace based performance analysis file

This section describes about the analysis operation of the processing performance using the trace based performance analysis file.

Organization of this section
7.7.1 Overview of the Operation for Analyzing the Processing Performance
7.7.2 Analyzing the Response Time of a Web Server
7.7.3 Investigating the Processing Status of a Request in an Application Server
7.7.4 Investigating the Life Cycle of a Session
7.7.5 Identifying the Transaction in Which a Timeout Occurred
7.7.6 Identifying the Request for Which Timeout Occurred
7.7.7 Investigating the Log Using the Root Application Information
7.7.8 Identifying the Connection in Which an Error Occurred
7.7.9 Investigation about the location of the problem associated to the trace based performance analysis file and thread dump