uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


3.3.15 Settings for collecting Cosminexus JMS Provider logs

This subsection describes the settings for changing output levels, number of files, and file size of the logs of CJMSP Broker, management command (cjmsicmd), and CJMSP resource adapters that are used by Cosminexus JMS Provider.

With Cosminexus JMS Provider, the following three types of logs are output:

The following table describes the default output destination for each of the above logs.

Table 3-20 Default output destination for logs of Cosminexus JMS Provider

Log type Default output destination
CJMSP Broker log

In Windows

Management command (cjmsicmd) log

In Windows

CJMSP resource adapter log

In Windows
J2EE-server-log-output-directory (ejb.server.log.directory)#2\cjms\Cosminexus_JMS_Provider_RA

J2EE-server-log-output-directory (ejb.server.log.directory) #2/cjms/Cosminexus_JMS_Provider_RA

<CJMSP_HOME> indicates the following directory:
In Windows

J2EE-server-log-output-directory (ejb.server.log.directory) is the directory specified in the J2EE server option definition. By default, the following directory is used:
In Windows

Note that if the default output destination does not exist, a directory is created when the log is output.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Settings for collecting the CJMSP Broker logs
(2) Settings for collecting the management command (cjmsicmd) log
(3) Settings for collecting the CJMSP resource adapter log

(1) Settings for collecting the CJMSP Broker logs

Among the log acquisition settings for CJMSP Broker, you can change the log output level, number of files, and file size.

The following table describes how to change the settings.

Table 3-21 How to change the log collection settings for CJMSP Broker

Item Changing method
Log output level Specify the changes in the following properties of commonconfig.properties or config.properties:
  • broker.logger.MessageLogFile.trace.level
Number of files Specify the changes in the following properties of commonconfig.properties or config.properties:
  • broker.logger.MessageLogFile.filenum
  • broker.logger.ExceptionLogFile.filenum
File size Specify the changes in the following properties of commonconfig.properties or config.properties:
  • broker.logger.MessageLogFile.filesize
  • broker.logger.ExceptionLogFile.filesize

With CJMSP Broker, you can change the log output destination with the -varhome option of the cjmsbroker command. However, you can only change the log output destination for the <CJMSP_HOME>\var directory (in Windows) or <CJMSP_HOME>/var directory (in UNIX).

Note that if the specified directory does not exist, the default settings are applied.

For details about the properties, see 7.3 commonconfig.properties (common CJMSP broker property file) and 7.4 config.properties (individual CJMSP broker property file) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(2) Settings for collecting the management command (cjmsicmd) log

Among the log collection settings for the management command (cjmsicmd), you can change the log output level, output destination, number of files, and file size.

The following table describes how to change the settings.

Table 3-22 How to change the log collection settings for management command (cjmsicmd)

Item Changing method
Log output level Specify the changes in the following property of admin.properties:
  • admin.logger.MessageLogFile.trace.level
Output destination Specify the changes in the following properties of admin.properties:
  • admin.logger.MessageLogFile.filepath
  • admin.logger.ExceptionLogFile.filepath
Number of files Specify the changes in the following properties of admin.properties:
  • admin.logger.MessageLogFile.filenum
  • admin.logger.ExceptionLogFile.filenum
File size Specify the changes in the following properties of admin.properties:
  • admin.logger.MessageLogFile.filesize
  • admin.logger.ExceptionLogFile.filesize

Note that if the specified directory does not exist, the default settings are applied.

For details about the properties, see 7.2 admin.properties (administration command property file) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(3) Settings for collecting the CJMSP resource adapter log

Among the log collection settings for the CJMSP resource adapter, you can change the log output level, number of files, and file size.

The following table describes how to change the settings.

Table 3-23 How to change the log collection settings for CJMSP resource adapter

Item Changing method
Log output level Specify the following property in <config-property> below <resourceadapter> in the Connector property file:
  • MsgLogLevel
Number of files Specify the following properties in <config-property> below <resourceadapter> in the Connector property file:
  • MsgLogFileNum
  • ExpLogFileNum
File size Specify the following properties in <config-property> below <resourceadapter> in the Connector property file:
  • MsgLogFileSize
  • ExpLogFileSize

For details about the Connector property file, see 4.1 Hitachi Connector property file in the uCosminexus Application Server Application and Resource Definition Reference Guide.