uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


9.8.2 Class-wise statistical information output by the unused objects statistical functionality in the Tenured area

This subsection describes the output format, output items, and output example of the class-wise statistical information output by the unused objects statistical functionality in the Tenured area.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Output format and output items
(2) Output example

(1) Output format and output items

The output format of the class-wise statistical information output by the unused objects statistical functionality in the Tenured area is as follows:

Output format
Garbage Profile
 size number class-name
 size number class-name...
Output items

Each item listed in the output format is described as follows.

Table 9-17 Output items (Unused objects statistical functionality in the Tenured area)

Output item Meaning
Size The total size of instances is output in bytes.
Number The number of instances is output.
Class-name The class name is output.

(2) Output example

The following is an output example of the class-wise statistical information output by the unused objects statistical functionality in the Tenured area:

Garbage Profile
 35234568 10648 java.util.HashMap
 5678900 10668 [Ljava.util.HashMap$Entry;
 4456788 7436 java.util.HashMap$Entry
 4321000 200 java.util.WeakHashMap
 1234568 190 [Ljava.util.WeakHashMap$Entry
 454400 4 java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry
 0 0 java.lang.Class