uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


2.5.10 If a problem occurs in 1-to-1 node switching system

This subsection describes the actions that you must take with for each OS, when the node switching process for a standby host is timed out due to a failure in the database server (such as server is down or deadlock).

Organization of this subsection
(1) In Windows
(2) In UNIX

(1) In Windows

Manually keep the standby host online, after acquiring the log.

(a) Acquiring the log of 1-to-1 node switching system

If a trouble occurs in the 1-to-1 node switching system, you must acquire the cluster log. The following is the output destination of the cluster log when Windows is installed in the standard path:


The following information is output to a cluster log:

For details on the cluster log, see the documentation on Windows.

If the J2EE server does not run, see Cosminexus Component Container log too.

(b) Manual recovery of 1-to-1 node switching system

You can manually recover the 1-to-1 node switching system according to the following procedure:

  1. Cancel the cause of a timeout by restarting the database.
  2. Create online target resources of the standby host.

(2) In UNIX

Resolve the cause of the timeout by restarting the database.