uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


8.16.2 Trace information that can be collected

The following table describes the trace information that can be collected in an OTS. Note that when more than one instance of information is described for a single item as different points, it implies that any one of those is output.

Table 8-106 Trace information that can be collected in an OTS

No. in the figure#1 Event ID Level Information that you can acquire
Interface name Operation name Optional
1 0x9400 A global transaction
  • | created
    Generated upon receiving an instruction for starting a transaction.
  • | recreated
    Generated upon receiving an instruction from another node for participating in a transaction processing.
  • | recovered
    Recovered from the status file.
  • | recovered(orphan)
    Xid was recovered from javax.transaction.xa.XAResource, but because no corresponding transaction existed, a new transaction was generated.
2 0x9401 A global transaction | marked rollback(reason-for-transition#2) [[Global-transaction-ID]]
3 0x9402 A global transaction | rolling back(reason-for-transition#3) [[Global-transaction-ID]]
12 0x9403 A global transaction
  • | committed
  • | rolled back
    Rolled back.
  • | heuristic commit
    Committed forcibly.
  • | heuristic rollback
    Rolled back forcibly.
  • | heuristic mixed
    Committed and rolled back partially.
  • | heuristic hazard
    Not clear if committed or rolled back.
  • | unknown
    Unknown if committed or rolled back.
  • | invalid status
    Concluded with a status other than those described above.
4 0x9404 B
  • XAResource-identifier
  • None

  • ]] prepare
    prepare is issued.
  • ]] commit(second phase)
    Second-phase commit is issued.
  • ]] commit(one phase)
    First-phase commit is issued.
  • ]] rollback
    rollback is issued.
  • ]] forget
    forget is issued.
  • ]] recover
    recover is issued.

  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]
  • None
5 0x9405 B
  • XAResource-identifier
  • None

In the case of normal return
  • [[ prepare
  • [[ commit(second phase)
  • [[ commit(one phase)
  • [[ rollback
  • [[ forget
  • [[ recover

In the case of abnormal return (when an unexpected value is returned, or when an exception occurs)
  • [[!prepare
  • [[!commit(second phase)
  • [[!commit(one phase)
  • [[!rollback
  • [[!forget
  • [[!recover

  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]:[[result]]#4
  • None
6 0x9406 B resource
  • ]] prepare
    prepare is issued.
  • ]] commit(second phase)
    Second-phase commit is issued.
  • ]] commit(one phase)
    First-phase commit is issued.
  • ]] rollback
    rollback is issued.
  • ]] forget
    forget is issued.
9 0x9407 B resource

In the case of normal return
  • [[ prepare
  • [[ commit(second phase)
  • [[ commit(one phase)
  • [[ rollback
  • [[ forget

In the case of abnormal return (when an unexpected value is returned, or when an exception occurs)
  • [[!prepare
  • [[!commit(second phase)
  • [[!commit(one phase)
  • [[!rollback
  • [[!forget

  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]
  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]:[[result]]#5
7 0x9408 B subordinate transaction
  • ]] prepare
    A prepare instruction is received.
  • ]] commit(second phase)
    A second-phase commit instruction is received.
  • ]] commit(one phase)
    A first-phase commit instruction is received.
  • ]] rollback
    A rollback instruction is received.
  • ]] forget
    A forget instruction is received.
8 0x9409 B subordinate transaction

In the case of normal return
  • [[ prepare
  • [[ commit(second phase)
  • [[ commit(one phase)
  • [[ rollback
  • [[ forget

In the case of abnormal return (when an unexpected value is returned, or when an exception occurs)
  • [[!prepare
  • [[!commit(second phase)
  • [[!commit(one phase)
  • [[!rollback
  • [[!forget

  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]
  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]:[[result]]#6
13 0x9410 B
  • None
  • XAResource-identifier
]] get xaresource
  • None
  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]
14 0x9411 B
  • None
  • XAResource-identifier

In the case of normal return
  • [[ get xaresource

In the case of abnormal return (when an unexpected value is returned, or when an exception occurs)
  • [[!get xaresource

  • None
  • [[result]]#7
  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]
  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]:[[result]]#7
10 0x9412 B
  • Status-file-name
  • Status-file-name:entry-number#8

  • ]] write(contents-to-be-written#9)
  • ]] read(contents-to-be-read#10)

  • None
  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]
11 0x9413 B
  • Status-file-name
  • Status-file-name:entry-number#8

In the case of normal return
  • [[ write
  • [[ read

In the case of abnormal return (when an unexpected value is returned, or when an exception occurs)
  • [[!write
  • [[!read

  • None
  • [[result]]#11
  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]
  • [[Global-transaction-ID]]:[[result]]#11

A: Standard
B: Advanced

Corresponds to the numbers from Figure 8-61 to Figure 8-66.

Any one of the following is output as the reason for transition:
  • operation
    The instruction is received from outside the in-process OTS.
  • server call
    An attempt to send a call to a server in another node has failed.
  • superior
    An instruction for participating in the transaction processing was received from another node, but that transaction was already in the MarkedRollback status.
  • sync before
    The callback processing to a JTA for which the conclusion processing is in progress has failed.

Any one of the following is output as the reason for transition:
  • operation
    The instruction is received from outside the in-process OTS.
  • timeout
    The global transaction has timed out.
  • superior
    The instruction is received from a superior transaction or the cjrollbacktrn command.
  • forgotten
    It is determined that the transaction that outputs the conclusion instruction to the subordinate transaction, or javax.transaction.xa.XAResource does not exist.
  • end
    An attempt to execute end for javax.transaction.xa.XAResource has failed.
  • prepare
    An attempt to execute prepare for javax.transaction.xa.XAResource has failed.
  • write prepared
    An attempt to write prepared in the status file has failed.
  • write committing
    An attempt to write committing in the status file has failed.

Any of the following is output as the result in the case of prepare, commit, rollback, or forget
  • Return value
  • Error code of the XAException
  • toString() of the exception (an exception other than the XAException)
Any of the following is output as the result in the case of recover:
  • Number of recovered Xids
  • Null (when the Xid array itself is null)
  • Error code of the XAException
  • toString() of the exception (an exception other than the XAException)

Any of the following is output as the result in the case of prepare:
  • Returned value
  • toString() of the exception
In cases other than prepare, toString() of the exception is output as the result.

Any of the following is output as the result in the case of prepare:
  • Value to be returned
  • toString() of the exception
In cases other than prepare, toString() of the exception is output as the result.

Any of the following is output as the result:
  • toString() of the exception
  • Null (when the return value is null)

This is the internal information.

Any of the following are output as the contents to be written:
  • management info
    Status file management information
  • status file body
    Status file body
  • prepared
    Prepared status
  • committing
    Commit determined status
  • heuristic commit
    Forced commit status
  • heuristic rollback
    Forced rollback status
  • heuristic mixed
    Partially committed and rolled back status
  • heuristic hazard
    Unclear committed or rolled status
  • forgotten
    Transaction conclusion complete status

Any of the following are output as the contents to be read:
  • management info
    Status file management information
  • status file body
    Status file body

Any of the following is output as the result:
  • Writing size (unit: bytes)
  • Reading size (unit: bytes)
  • toString() of the exception