uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


9.5.2 Class-wise statistical information output by the STATIC member statistical functionality

This subsection describes about the output format, the output items, and the output examples of the class-wise statistical information output by the STATIC member statistical functionality.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Output format and output items
(2) Output examples

(1) Output format and output items

The output format of the class-wise statistical information output by the STATIC member statistical functionality is as follows:

Output format
Java Heap Dump Static Profile
 <total_size> <Instance_count> <class_name>
 <total_size> <Instance_count> <class_name>
Output items

The items listed in the output format are described as follows.

Table 9-8 Output items (STATIC member statistical functionality)

Output items Meaning
<total_size> The total size of the instance is output in byte unit.
<Instance_count> The number of instance is output.
<class_name> The class name is output.

(2) Output examples

The output example of the class-wise statistical information output by the STATIC member statistical functionality, is described as an example of the following source:

public class static_instance {
 public static void main(String args[]) {
 classA cls_a;
 classB cls_b;
 classC cls_c;
 cls_a = new classA();
 cls_b = new classB();
 cls_c = new classC();
 cls_b.cls_c = cls_c;
 cls_a.cls_b = cls_b;
 try {
 } catch (Exception e) {}
class classA {
 static classB cls_b;
class classB {
 classC cls_c;
class classC {

The following figure shows the output result of the STATIC member statistical functionality.

Figure 9-4 Output result (STATIC member statistical functionality)


Moreover, there is a difference in the reference relation for the above source in the instance statistical functionality and in the STATIC member statistical functionality and the following figure shows this difference.

Figure 9-5 Difference in reference relation in the instance statistical functionality and in the STATIC member statistical functionality


The reference relation of the respective functionality is as follows: