uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


9.6 Reference-related information output functionality

This section describes about the reference-related information output functionality.

You can output the reference relation of the instances for the specified class in a sequence from the beginning, using the reference-related information output functionality.

The following table describes the organization of this section.

Table 9-9 Organization of this section (reference-related information output functionality)

Category Title Reference
Description Overview of the reference-related information output functionality 9.6.1
Class-wise statistical information output by the reference-related information output functionality 9.6.2
Class-wise statistical information output by the static field-based reference relationship output functionality 9.6.3
Notes Notes for the output of the static field-based reference relationships 9.6.4

The function-specific explanation is not available for "Implementation", "Settings", and "Operations".

Organization of this section
9.6.1 Overview of the reference-related information output functionality
9.6.2 Class-wise statistical information output by the reference-related information output functionality
9.6.3 Class-wise statistical information output by the static field-based reference relationship output functionality
9.6.4 Notes for the output of the static field-based reference relationships