uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


9.6.3 Class-wise statistical information output by the static field-based reference relationship output functionality

This subsection describes the output format, output items, and examples of output of the class-wise statistical information output by the static field-based reference relationship output functionality.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Output format and output items
(2) Examples of output

(1) Output format and output items

Output format

The output format of the class-wise statistical information output by the static field-based reference relationship output functionality is as follows:

Reference of class option-specified-class-name from static field
static field static-field-declaring-class-name#2.static-field-name#2

The number of "-" (hyphens) that are output is equal to 37 added to the number of characters in option-specified-class-name.

Indicates the base of the reference relationship.

Output items

The following table describes the items shown in the output format.

Table 9-11 Output items (static field-based reference relationship output functionality)

Output items Meaning
static-field-declaring-class-name The class name declaring the static field that forms the base is output.
static-field-name The name of the static field that forms the base is output.
class-name The class name of the instance that references the instances of the classes specified in the -class option of the jheapprof command is output.
address The address of the instance is output.
area-name The area to which the instance belongs is output.
  • Eden: Indicates the Eden area.
  • Survivor: Indicates the Survivor area.
  • Tenured: Indicates the Tenured area.
  • Perm: Indicates the Permanent area.
  • EM(eid=<id>): Indicates the Explicit memory block.
option-specified-class-name The class name specified in the -class option of the jheapprof command is output.

(2) Examples of output

This subsection gives an example output of the class-wise statistical information output by the static field-based reference relationship output functionality using the following source as an example:

import JP.co.Hitachi.soft.jvm.MemoryArea.*;
public class static_reference {
 public static void main(String args[]) {
 try {
 classA cls_a1 = new classA();
 classB cls_b1 = new classB();
 classB cls_b2 = new classB();
 classC cls_c1 = new classC();
 classC cls_c2 = new classC();
 classC cls_c3 = new classC();
 BasicExplicitMemory emem = new BasicExplicitMemory();
 classC cls_c4 = (classC)emem.newInstance(classC.class);
 cls_a1.s_cls_a = cls_a1;
 cls_a1.s_cls_b = cls_b1;
 cls_a1.s_cls_c = cls_c1;
 cls_a1.cls_b = cls_b2;
 cls_b1.cls_c = cls_c2;
 cls_b2.cls_c = cls_c3;
 cls_c1.cls_c = cls_c4;
 } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
class classA {
 static classA s_cls_a;
 static classB s_cls_b;
 static classC s_cls_c;
 classB cls_b;
class classB {
 classC cls_c;
class classC {
 classC cls_c;
 public classC(){

The following figure shows the structure of the instances.

Figure 9-8 Structure of the instances (static field-based reference relationship output functionality)


The following figure shows the output result of the static field-based reference relationship output functionality. In this case, the jheapprof command is executed specifying the argument -class class-name -staticroot.

Figure 9-9 Output result (static field-based reference relationship output functionality)
