uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


9.11 Tenuring distribution information output functionality of the Survivor area

This section describes about the tenuring distribution information output functionality of the Survivor area.

You can use the tenuring distribution information output functionality of the Survivor area for investigating the Use Status of the Survivor area when executing the copy garbage collection. You can use this information for tuning the memory size.

The following table describes the organization of this section.

Table 9-22 Organization of this section (tenuring distribution information output functionality of the Survivor area)

Category Title Reference
Description Overview of the tenuring distribution information output functionality of the Survivor area 9.11.1
Output format and output example of the tenuring distribution information of the Survivor area 9.11.2
Settings Settings for execution environment 9.11.3
Notes Precautions when using tenuring distribution information output functionality of the Survivor area 9.11.4

The function-specific explanation is not available for "Implementation" and "Operations".

Organization of this section
9.11.1 Overview of the tenuring distribution information output functionality of the Survivor area
9.11.2 Output format and output example of the tenuring distribution information of the Survivor area
9.11.3 Settings for execution environment
9.11.4 Precautions when using tenuring distribution information output functionality of the Survivor area