uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


8.11 Trace collection points of an EJB container

This section describes the trace collection points of an EJB container and also the trace information that can be collected, in different cases of a Session Bean or Entity Bean, Message-driven Bean, or during the use of the Timer Service, and in the case of occurrence of method cancellation.

Organization of this section
8.11.1 In the case of a Session Bean or Entity Bean
8.11.2 In the Case of Message-driven Bean (EJB2.0)
8.11.3 In the case of a Message-driven Bean (EJB2.1 and later)
8.11.4 For Timer Service
8.11.5 When the Session Bean is invoked asynchronously
8.11.6 When method cancellation occurs