uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


5.11.2 Confirmation method of event log of Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality

This subsection describes the reference method of event log output by the Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Confirmation method of output trigger
(2) Checking methods using log prefix
(3) Signs used in description of output format of event log

(1) Confirmation method of output trigger

Events that trigger the log output are output in [cause:<CAUSE>] format. You can confirm the event triggered by confirming the item.

The following table describes the meaning of character string output to <CAUSE>.

Table 5-31 Meaning of character string output to <CAUSE>

<CAUSE> Meaning
GC Copy garbage collection occurrence
Full GC Full garbage collection occurrence
Reclaim Explicit memory block explicit release process
Reclaiming Java heap overflow in Explicit memory block explicit release process
New Object generation in Explicit memory block
Migrate Automatic release processing for the explicit memory block
Migrating Java heap overflow in the automatic release processing for the explicit memory block

However, <CAUSE> is not output in a part of the log.

(2) Checking methods using log prefix

You can use log prefixes such as ENS, EVO to perform checking by filtering the log.

The meaning of prefixes of the Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality is as follows:

For example, when you want to check changes of each heap size, perform filtering by S and when you want to check the occurred event, perform filtering by O.

(3) Signs used in description of output format of event log

The following table describes the signs used in the description of output format.

Table 5-32 Signs used in description of output format

Signs Usage examples Meaning
* X* Repeat the left side items for minimum zero times.
Usage example indicates that X is repeated for minimum zero times.
? X? Repeat the left side items for minimum one time.
Usage example indicates that X is repeated for minimum once.
{n,m} X{1,5} Repeat the left side items for minimum n times and maximum m times.
Usage example indicates that X is repeated minimum once and maximum five times.
{ {ABC}* The range included in "{" and "}" is reference unit at left side of "*", "?", "{n,m}".
Usage example indicates that "ABC" is repeated for minimum zero times.
\ None This sign indicates the places with linefeed for visibility in the manual.
There is no linefeed in the actual output contents.
| X|Y This sign indicates either the left side or the right side.
Usage example indicates either X or Y.
. None Indicates any character.
... X|Y... Repeat minimum once from the line that has same indent as this line and that is nearest to forward match of this line, to the line previous to this line.
Usage example indicates that either of X or Y is repeated minimum once.

In the description of output format, numeric values are expressed by combining signs as in Table 5-32 and signs in Table 5-33.

The following table describes the signs used to indicate numeric values.

Table 5-33 Signs used to indicate numeric values

Sign Definition Meaning
<digit> 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 Indicates 0 to 9.
<hex> <digit>|a|b|c|d|e|f Indicates hexadecimals.
<const> <const><digit>|<digit> Indicates positive whole number.
<decimal> <const>.<digit> Indicates positive integer (Up to 1st Decimal position).
<ptr64> 0x<hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex> Indicates 64 bit pointer value.
<ptr32> 0x<hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex><hex> Indicates 32 bit pointer value.
<ptr> <ptr64>|<ptr32> Indicates pointer value.
<letters> .? Indicates any character or character string.

Note The signs indicated in Table 5-32 would be the reference unit at left side or right side of "*", "?" or "|". For example, when <digit>|<hex> is mentioned, indicates numeric value from zero to nine or hexadecimal.